#ESMpicks Round-up - Badge of Pawesomeness Picks Vol.1

in GEMS3 years ago


#ESMpicks Round-up
Badge of Pawesomeness Picks Vol.1

Hello friends and fans of D.Buzz,

Welcome to the first ever ESMpicks Round-up!

Here at D.Buzz, we want to help support the Hive community and its content creators to grow through engagement with other users in the D.Buzz community.

So if you've been given a badge of Pawesomeness, I'm thrilled to say you've got a chance to be featured in the weekly round-up of posts with the help of D.Buzz' Epic Smile Maker #ESMpicks.

NOTE: The following article was written by a guest blogger. The views expressed are not from directly from, or endorsed by D.Buzz, please let us know if you have any concerns or questions in the comments, or reach out to us on Discord.

Thank you and keep up the great work for your chance to be in the next round of featured articles!

My 1st feature gives appreciation to our Hive DIY community and their innate talent in creating art from seemingly everyday finds, much like how @valprincess made this scary Halloween witch mainly just from egg cartons, a little foam and fabric here and there with some nicely placed paint.

Now, can you even imagine how creepier it'll be if you'd use glow-in-the-dark paint, especially on the eyes? ^__^”
Image from @valprincess post
Halloween wouldn't be complete without a scary enough Trick or Treat get-up, so if you're not much for dressing up, than it'll be a great idea to get some tips from the MakeUp Power community, and I just found a killer one with @calisto24 as Jason from Friday the 13thImage from @calisto24 post
Since in some places these days, it's still mandatory to wear a face mask outside, actually painting a hockey mask on your face just might get you a few breaths of air in before others can ruin your parade.

Then try carrying around a chainsaw and you're good to go!
image source: tenor.com
Decors and costumes aside, what's one of a good few places for a scary haunt? From the Haveyoubeenhere community, I've been treated to another mystery lost to history with @jesusgabriel2797 and his trip along the Mausoleum of Dr. Knoche. Though not fully talked about in his post, who wouldn't even be curious after seeing one of these pics from his article?

It's curious enough that the body looks mummified, but what's even more eerie was how Dr. Knoche was willing to use his experiment on himself. I'm not aware if they've ever discovered the secret to Dr. Knoche's embalming fluid, but there's definitely more to this story if you decide to look it up.
image from @jesusgabriel2797 post
If you're just looking for a quiet night this season of scare, this photo depicting the longest night by @iscrak from the Photography community is a nice representation of the usual bustle of urban living while still finding your inner peace amidst the city light and under a full moon.

It's said that a picture says a thousand words and this photo is immersive enough if you slowly take in the writing OP left for us.
image from @iscrak post
Last, but definitely not the least, is an all-around classic in your childhood memories if you've ever enjoyed having pancakes for breakfast!

@alt3r shares this recipe with a twist in the Foodies Bee Hive community, and maybe it could be the way the photos look during the process of making these delectable treats, but really good food makes for warm hearts and happy stomachs!
image from @alt3r post

Again a huge heartfelt thanks to all of you who have posted such amazing content. I hope to include you all in future Roundup posts!

For now, this ESM (Epic, Smile, Maker) is signing off.

Have a great day!

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@dbuzz Muchas gracias por el apoyo brindado y felicitaciones a todos los autores seleccionados!

Keep up the good work!


Gracias por valorar mi esfuerzo, seguiré trabajando para dar lo mejor de mi.

Saludos y un abrazo.

keep up the good work!


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