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RE: Sublime Sunday ~ Loch Raven Skies Yesterday

in GEMS3 years ago

Thank you very much @johannpiber!! It was a short and sweet visit. Lol..I always think of Loch Ness when I write about Loch Raven too. I had dreams of visiting Scotland when I was much younger to see the Loch there and look for "Nessie" but never got to do it and now there are more places here in the states that I'd like to see first. Probably won't get around to it but one can still dream. 😉💕


It was a pleasure for me, @deerjay 😀

Yes, keep to your dreams. I have quite some places too in my mind which I would love to visit, but most will also remain dreams.

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

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