📜 RECIPE 📜 South African Dried Beef Biltong (Part 2)

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Part 2 - The spicing of the beef -

The most important thing about the spicing is that you only do one kilogram at a time. To streamline the process, I've got some small plastic containers to separate the spices for each kilogram of beef.


Now, on to part 2...

Preparing the Spices


Reveal spoiler

Basic Ingredients

  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Coriander seeds
  • Vinegar


Weigh out 4g of pepper and 4g of coriander for each kilogram of meat that you're preparing.

Spicy option: You can also add 4g of dried chilly flakes at this stage if you like it hot


Separated into each container


I use a mortar and pestle to grind up the spices, but you can also use crushed pepper and coriander seeds to save time.


Crushed and separated into containers


You'll also need 15g of salt for each kilogram of meat


Preparing the Meat

Again the meat will be rinsed, however this time using a mixture of vinegar and water. Mix 1 cup of vinegar with 2 cups of clean water and rinse and massage the meat. Try to squeeze as much liquid out of the meat as possible.


Once you've rinsed the meat, separate it into one kilogram batches to get it ready for spicing


Use a baking pan to lay out the meat


Try to spread the spice as evenly as possibly across both sides of all the steaks


The meat then goes back in the drip trays...


...and back in the fridge for another 12hrs.


Thanks for reading and look out for Part 3... coming soon to Hive!