Motivation in times of crisis.

in GEMS2 years ago (edited)
Having a willingness to do things every day leads you to be able to achieve all the established goals. Motivation is a fundamental and transcendental element for the future development of the actions we do as human beings.

Being highly motivated every day is necessary to face daily difficulties with the desire to solve them and move forward, the person who is psychologically motivated, will always have some positive responses to face the difficulties.

Also the motivation not only serves for a specific subject, we can also motivate with our actions to other people, such as co-workers, to see life from other points of view and find a way out of the problem from other angles, that person who is motivated, is always looking for a solution to the conflict and does not stay to wait for others to do it.

A player of any discipline who is not motivated in the first instance to train and put all of himself, will not reach the measures or the suggested time to participate, in addition to the motivation he must have from his coach so he can improve with the practice and the techniques developed.

It is necessary that daily we can be motivated and that this same motivation is renewed to be prepared for any event that comes our way, no doubt that the interaction of our environment with the body will be the product of our motivation, we can also emphasize that as described by Maslow's theory, the human being must always be motivated to achieve the different needs that carries, finding there the philosophical, social, romantic, security and others and this comes to have the impulse to be motivated.

To conclude that motivation is also given by some elements not only internal which is known as intrinsic, but also external and is known as extrinsic. In addition to the two previous ones, another motivation is known as transcendent, which drives people to motivate themselves as a result of the achievement or obtaining some benefit from a family member or acquaintance, i.e. a third person.