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RE: Planting in my shade garden and pruning grapes

in GEMS4 years ago

Thank you and funnily enough I've hit that tree everytime and this time, whilst filming, I was like Darnit! I'm getting it now and then when I watched the footage I was thinking, "well, sped up that'll be a good montage". How I think now that I'm filming every day! haha.

Thank you and it needs SO MUCH WORK, but we're are getting there. My new veg garden looked MUCH nicer before the giant piles of dirt and sand from our huge pit being dug to get new water lines in, but thus is the day in the life of an old house and shallow pocket book :)

I hate my voice, but what can I do, It's all I got :/


Funny how your perception of situations change when you can potentially post about it isn't it XD