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RE: How I Stay Away From That Dirty Four-Letter Word - SALE

in GEMS3 years ago

Maybe when I was single, but, not now. However, I did buy my girls more outfits as they started getting old enough to enjoy them, but, realized I was teaching them bad habits. Like, no respect for money.

I enjoy a good sale if I am looking for something, but, I am not lured by those words. I truly dislike the buy! buy! buy! mentality the internet feeds us.

Run away from it! Look at all the money you save!


Because it is so fun to buy clothes for girls hehehe
My daughter... she is so frugal, it borders on stingy... I don't know where she got that from... definitely not from me or her dad.
So, now you've mentioned the lack of respect for money... yes, I can see that and good thing it bypassed her
The boys on the other hand...especially the youngest, he is something else

Yes, run away is a good plan - now just do not open those apps
and skip all those ads that find their way to your social media feeds ;D

I click on none!!! They are only trouble! :)

It really is fun to buy clothes for girls!!!