💐🎨 Pintando una mano perdida / Painting a lost hand

in GEMS4 years ago

La pesadilla de todo artista... y lastimosamente incompleto. Sufrió el mal de "tirado en la basura por mi querida madre antes de que pudiera tomarle foto, ya que pensó que era un simple sketch" así que mientras voy a llorar en el riconsito, espero que se diviertan leyendo este corto post.

Every artist's nightmare... and sadly incomplete. He suffered the evil of "thrown in the trash by my dear mother before I could take a picture of him, as he thought it was a simple sketch" so while I'm going to cry in my little room, I hope you have fun reading this short post.


Fue parte de uno de los trabajos de mi antiguo instituto (descanse en paz) , y esperaba que se volviera parte de mi portafolio... pero cosas pasan (descanse aún mas en paz). Pero sin rencores, no son raros los escenarios parecidos (descansen las otras pinturas, tirados por mi madre, en paz)...

Las manos siempre han sido una de las cosas mas difíciles de pintar para todo artistas; eso junto con el rostro entero y los pies. Quienes aun le cuesta alguna de estas levante el pincel y quienes ya lo lograron dominar también quisiera poder oír sus historias.

It was part of one of my old school's works (rest in peace), and I hoped it would become part of my portfolio... but things happen (rest even more in peace). But no hard feelings, similar scenarios are not rare (rest the other paintings, thrown away by my mother, in peace)...

Hands have always been one of the most difficult things to paint for all artists; that along with the whole face and feet. Those who still find it difficult rise your brush and those who have already mastered it, I would like to hear your stories.




El trabajo al haber sido en color tiene la ventaja de ser mucho mas fácil de controlar los trazos, pero la desventaja de tardar mucho mas que otras técnicas. El primer paso fue hacer la figura base con un lápiz y líneas suaves, los loomis como siempre no pueden faltar... mucho menos en formas tan complejas como las manos.

Working in color has the advantage of being much easier to control the strokes, but the disadvantage of taking much longer than other techniques. The first step was to make the base figure with a pencil and soft lines, the loomis as always can't be missing... much less in such complex forms as the hands.


Hacer las sombras fue muy entretenido... aunque había tonos que apenas logre alcanzar.

Doing the shadows was very entertaining... although there were tones that I barely managed to reach.


Lo más difícil de la piel es la variedad de tonos que en realidad posee, poseyendo tanto tonos rojizos como grisáceos o azulados. Así que mientras hacia un cóctel de tonos que a veces parecía sin sentido esperaba que la profe pudiera ayudarme a entender mejor.

The most difficult part of the skin is the variety of tones it actually has, possessing both reddish and greyish or blueish tones. So while I was making a cocktail of tones that sometimes seemed meaningless I was hoping that the teacher could help me understand better.


Entendiendo un poco mas la lógica por detrás, ya logre crear mejores sombras. Un reto de hacer y con su buen resultado... que quedará en lo más profundo de mi corazón, y en lo más profundo en aquel basurero desolado (descanse en paz).

By understanding a little more logic from behind, I was able to create better shadows. A challenge to do and with its good result... that will remain in the depths of my heart, and deep in that desolate dump (rest in peace).

Herramientas / Tools:

  • Color
  • Papel Craft



También estamos compartiendo un Grupo de Artistas para todas las plataformas. / We are sharing as well an Art Group for all platforms.



Si les gusta mis trabajos, su apoyo significaría mucho / If you like my work, your support would mean a lot.

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Ahh oops :S we've had similar problems here as poor J lives with two artists and two that like to engage in artistic activities on occasion, and quite often he's thrown stuff away that has resulted in tears because it was an unfinished artwork or something that the child wanted to keep but hadn't told me about or had it left it on the table for me (as usually when I find them I put it in their work folders). After a lot of arguments and him complaining about never being "allowed" to throw anything away, now he knows to ask if he can throw it away or if there's no one to ask he puts it in the art cupboard where we know to look if we can't find something XD

That hand angle looks pretty hard, I'm impressed you can draw such good hands, I can't even draw average hands and I use 3d bases XD

Really a nice drawing... I have no opportunity to learn art, because it's such a waste of time in my family's eyes, so I tried to figured out how to draw by myself, and even until today I'm bad in drawing figure... don't know how to do that... this drawing really outstanding. good job!