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RE: 💐🎨 Pintando una mano perdida / Painting a lost hand

in GEMS4 years ago

Ahh oops :S we've had similar problems here as poor J lives with two artists and two that like to engage in artistic activities on occasion, and quite often he's thrown stuff away that has resulted in tears because it was an unfinished artwork or something that the child wanted to keep but hadn't told me about or had it left it on the table for me (as usually when I find them I put it in their work folders). After a lot of arguments and him complaining about never being "allowed" to throw anything away, now he knows to ask if he can throw it away or if there's no one to ask he puts it in the art cupboard where we know to look if we can't find something XD

That hand angle looks pretty hard, I'm impressed you can draw such good hands, I can't even draw average hands and I use 3d bases XD