Un cumpleaños en Navidad | A birthday at Christmas

in GEMS2 years ago

Nada más bonito que los cumpleaños y las fechas especiales, al menos a mi me encantan mucho. Soy feliz cuando está cerca el cumpleaños de alguien o cuando está próximo el mío aunque sé que me pongo más vieja, sin embargo muchas personas creen que soy menor de edad y creo que eso es bueno. ¿A quién más le hacen felíz los cumpleaños tanto como a mi? Son fechas únicas y especiales que no deben dejarse pasar como si nada.

Nothing more beautiful than birthdays and special dates, at least I love them a lot. I am happy when someone's birthday is near or when mine is near although I know that I am getting older, however many people believe that I am a minor and I think that is good. Who else makes birthdays as happy as me? They are unique and special dates that should not be missed.


Hoy fué un domingo en familia y con vecinos, nuestros buenos vecinos que son cómo nuestra familia. La verdad es que el aprecio que nos tenemos mutuamente, es tan bueno que resulta muy bonito rodearte de personas maravillosas y hoy fue una ocasión especial porque era el cumpleaños número 15 de nuestro vecino Jhoandry, de quien mi madre es madrina.

Today was a Sunday with family and neighbors, our good neighbors who are like our family. The truth is that the appreciation we have for each other is so good that it is very nice to surround yourself with wonderful people and today was a special occasion because it was the 15th birthday of our neighbor Jhoandry, of whom my mother is a godmother.




Eramos los invitados en primera fila: mi madre, mis hermanos y yo ya que por el tema de la pandemia y que fué tarde, no podemos hacer reuniones con tantas personas, eramos 8, ellos como familia y nosotros 4 en mi casa y lo mejor de todo es que había una super torta de 4 leches, sí, 4 leches, porque era con leche evaporada, leche condensada, leche en polvo y crema de leche. Estaba tan deliciosa, todo con amor queda bueno.

We were the guests in the first row: my mother, my brothers and I, because due to the issue of the pandemic and that it was late, we cannot hold meetings with so many people, there were 8 of us, they as a family and we 4 in my house and the best Everything is that there was a super cake of 4 milks, yes, 4 milks, because it was with evaporated milk, condensed milk, powdered milk and heavy cream. It was so delicious, everything with love is good.




Estaba deliciosa, decorada con melocotón y fresas. Apeovechamos para hacernos fotos graciosas con el perrito Copito, solo le pusimos un gorro de Navidad y la verdad es quw fué muy gracioso verlo así. Estuvimos conversando pero todos estábamos anciosos por cantar el cumpleaños y poder probar la torta, solo con verse se veia tan provocativa que hasta hicimos el canto rápido pero no podíamos dejar pasar el concierto de su hermanita Sofía quien toca el teclado y quería tocar para él ya que eso la hace muy feliz porque aprendió este canto por su hermanito.

It was delicious, decorated with peach and strawberries. We love to take funny pictures with Copito the dog, we just put a Christmas hat on him and the truth is that it was very funny to see him like that. We were talking but we were all eager to sing the birthday and to be able to taste the cake, just by looking at each other it looked so provocative that we even did the fast singing but we could not leave the concert of her little sister Sofía who plays the keyboard and wanted to play for him since that makes her very happy because she learned this song from her little brother.




La vida nos premia con personas maravillosas, debemos ser agradecidos siempre y buenas cosas llegaran de la mejor manera. Yo me siento feliz de tener vecinos tan buenos y poder vivir estos momentos junto a ellos, se siente bien que te tomen en cuenta para esas fechas especiales. La verdad es que pudimos reirnos un buen rato y disfrutar al lado de ellos nos alegra formar parte de sus vidas y espero que sigalos compartiendo muchos momentos más todos juntos.

Life rewards us with wonderful people, we must always be grateful and good things will come in the best way. I feel happy to have such good neighbors and to be able to live these moments with them, it feels good that they take you into account for those special dates. The truth is that we were able to laugh for a long time and enjoy being next to them, we are happy to be part of their lives and I hope that they continue to share many more moments all together.




Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con un Samsung A21s | All the photos were taken with a Samsung A21s