in GEMS3 years ago



When I was a child all I ever wanted was to grow and start a life of my own, but now when I’m starting to do so, I wanna go back to being a child. I wanna be carefree and careless again, rather than being burdened.

Adulthood is not what I expected it to be.

As a child, we never understand the love, care, and joy we feel especially if you had an amazing childhood as I did. I had it all, the basic things every child need and more, didn't have to care about anything in the world like food, clothes, etc, We do what we want to do, how we want to do it,unbothered how we are viewed or seen

“She is just a child, she doesn't understand, leave her” the phase that keeps me out of trouble

Now as an adult, We are forced to fit into the society by changing the individual we are so we can be viewed as “typical” and be acknowledged.

Be that as it may, I believe that grown-ups shouldn’t be reluctant to act naturally without being disgraced by society or people around us who are too hesitant to even think about stepping out of their comfort zone.

It’s the one word that makes us scream and run in the opposite direction. Yet somehow, no matter how much we try to run away from it, the bills we need to pay, find a way of catching up to us. Not paying the bill just results in a bigger bill. So basically, you’re screwed either way.



I have accepted that adulthood is a privilege but also a big kick in the face sometimes. I wouldn’t trade my growth or where I’m at for anything but man sometimes though it can be hard.

That said, it is possible to keep some of the best parts of our youth and still appreciate getting older. Accept and respect that if we are lucky, we will all grow older but remember; adulthood is a trap. so live life as it comes and ensure you make the best out of it

What is the one thing you hate/love about being an adult?


Thank you for this post as it sums up my view on it as well! In my case, I had a mixed childhood and adolescence and I had to work a lot since about the age of 13 (professionally) and before that with what money I could as a kid who would sing Christmas carols every now and again to my neighbours and other people in my hometown (one winter I went along to sing Christmas carols for nearly a quarter of the town center). I paid bills and fought (hard) for my meals, just as in one song by The Who. There were times during which no one cared for me (as they are basically now, as a grown up adult at the age of 24). With time, I realised this is fine (well, it isn't, but it just is what it is in this world and you can't do much about it, you can just call it bad luck)... That's life (or that's Earthly life for some to be more precise), so you can't really do much about it; there are both good times and bad times though.

Nevertheless, on a personal note, I wouldn't run away from adulthood back to being a kid because I know this is not the solution and it isn't even possible (not in this lifetime or whatever I still have out of it). What I do know however, is that I did a lot of good things and that maybe if reincarnation is true indeed, I'll get the chance to have a better family in a future life or even live in another, more peaceful and beautiful dimension. Keep up the good work, all the best, much health, and success! :)

Ooh that must have been a tough childhood, you have really come a long way and you came out better and stronger.

I hope you get the chance to have a better family too.

Thank you so much for sharing

Yes, I don't want to victimize myself but that was the harsh reality. Life has had its ups and downs for me but I still want to remain optimistic for the future. I haven't totally gave up on mankind, though I tend to isolate myself every once in a while more than necessary (and with COVID-19's social distancing this has proven even more solid in my case). From my personal life experience, it is all about finding common ground and good chemistry, so to put it, with the right people. If are fortunate enough to have them in your life and able to keep them, do it! And never forget to cherish each day for the small things and for their presence in your life. Be a decent, civilized human being. It does miracles, trust me! :)

At this point I am 44 years old and I still totally agree that adulthood is a trap!
What we say in our house, is that adulting sucks, but if you learn to do it well then you can work smart not hard to have a good time long after you leave the comforts of childhood.
As a parent to children ranging from 8 to 22, I can say that teaching them to think for themselves, to develop critical thinking skills, and offering them freedom and responsibility hand in hand has been key. Just waiting until they are all grown to give them responsibility, or freedom, seems to be a bad choice (based on what I can see here in the United States).
Great post!