Hello everyone, I tell you that last weekend we decided to take a family walk to the Mountain "La Z" located in Pyrenees 2 of the city of San Cristóbal, Táchira state, in my country Venezuela. It was the first time that I went to this place despite having 9 years living in this beautiful city so I was very eager to go.
La verdad es que tengo bastante tiempo viviendo aquí pero conozco muy poco, asi que el día sabado simplemente salimos de nuestra casa y dijimos vamos a la Montana (a pesar de que ninguno sabia la dirección o como llegar) salimos y en el camino llamamos a un gran amigo quien nos iba explicando la ruta a seguir.
The truth is that I have lived here for a long time but I know very little, so on Saturday we just left our house and said we are going to the Montana (although no one knew the address or how to get there) we left and on the way we called a great friend who was explaining the route to follow.
Imagen hecha por mi en Canva
Fuimos mi mamá, mis hermanos, mi padrasto, mi primito y una vecina quien decidio unirse a esta larga pero gran caminata. Llevamos un celular y en el camino nos ibamos haciendo algunas fotos.
We were my mother, my brothers, my stepfather, my cousin and a neighbor who decided to join this long but great walk. We carried a cell phone and on the way we were taking some photos.
Digo larga porque en realidad asi fue, decidimos irnos desde mi casa hasta Pirineos lo cual es bastante lejos y de alli subiamos a la montaña, era más facil si hubiesemos ido en transporte hasta Pirineos y luego subiamos, pero no, nosotros en realidad queriamos caminar.
I say long because in reality it was, we decided to go from my house to the Pyrenees which is quite far and from there we went up the mountain, it was easier if we had gone by transport to the Pyrenees and then we went up, but no, we actually wanted to walk .
Ibamos paso a paso, y bien preparados con gorras y agua suciente para todos ya que ese día el sol estaba bastante fuerte, y cada vez que avanzamos debido al sol y lo lejos nos preguntabamos si en realidad valia la pena llegar hasta alli.
We went step by step, and well prepared with hats and enough water for everyone since that day the sun was quite strong, and each time we advanced due to the sun and how far away we wondered if it was really worth getting there.
Cuando nos acercabamos más y veiamos la gran montaña de lejos, nos dabamos cuenta que en realidad si valia la pena, y que ver esos hermosos paisajes y disfrutar del aire fresco era una gran experiencia.
When we got closer and saw the great mountain from afar, we realized that it was really worth it, and that seeing those beautiful landscapes and enjoying the fresh air was a great experience.
En realidad nos animamos cuando llegamos a la avenida principal y empezamos a subir hasta un mirador donde podiamos observar la hermosa ciudad de San Cristóbal, y fué la mejor parte porque desde ahí empezó a bajar el sol.
We actually got excited when we got to the main avenue and started to climb to a viewpoint where we could see the beautiful city of San Cristóbal, and it was the best part because from there the sun began to go down.
Caminamos y caminamos pero no llegamos hasta la cima de la montaña, mi mamá se cansó y no podia seguir, asi que decidimos parar todos y quedarnos un rato a observar la hermosa montaña, pero creanme cuando les digo que me quedé con las ganas de volver y llegar hasta la cima.
We walked and walked but we did not reach the top of the mountain, my mother got tired and could not continue, so we decided to stop all and stay a while to observe the beautiful mountain, but believe me when I tell you that I wanted to go back and get to the top.
Asi que bueno, nos hicimos fotos hasta donde alcanzamos a llegar y luego de descansar y reponer un poco de energia nos regresamos a casa otra vez caminando, pero decidimos parar a tomarnos un refresco bien frio con pan para subir los animos para regresar.
So good, we took pictures of how far we could go and after resting and replenishing a little energy, we walked home again, but we decided to stop for a cold soda with bread to raise our spirits to return.
Despues de disfrutar de nuestra rica merienda, seguimos nuestro camino a casa bien cansados pero felices de compartir en familia está gran experencia. Espero que les haya gustado mi aventura.
After enjoying our delicious snack, we continue our way home very tired but happy to share this great experience with the family. I hope you liked my adventure.
cuando las vaya a visitar me llevan para conocerlo, ok? ok
Claro que si, y esta vez si llegaremos a la cima.
Hi @evelynchacin, Your family members have done most interesting part. But if you could top of the mountain you could see such a beautiful landscaping scenery since top. Keep enough water most important for walking and hiking adventures because we are going to tired with heavy sunlight then our body strength getting low down. In this condition water doing big part. However I appreciate you all for did this.
Si, debo volver y llegar a la cima. Seguro me encantará! Gracias por el tip, siempre voy preparada con agua, pues esta es muy importante. Un abrazo!
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