I LIKE TO WATCH #15 - The Block

in GEMS4 years ago

Australians love to get naked. I've seen more Aussie ass in the last two weeks than I ever have in my entire life. The Block is a fun reality series that I've been binge-watching recently. It follows the escapades of four Aussie couples tasked with renovating their own bombed-out apartments in Sydney and Melbourne (which I pronounce "Mel-Born"). Each unit starts out looking like a landfill and by the end, each room must be completely remodeled and put up for auction. (Warning: Sarcasm Alert throughout this post! :)

Ever wonder why Australians are always smiling? They live in paradise and they know it! :) The country is one giant beach and seemingly everyone surfs. Imagine if California was a mile wide and 16,000 miles long with a beach on either side, and you'll see why they're so happy "Down Under." Founded as a penal colony by England, the nation is filled with good-looking people and I swear, everyone must be blonde. Aussies are basically "warm Brits" and seem like wonderful people. But those smiles can quickly turn into frowns as drama invades The Block."

Season 2 gets NASTY!

With $100,000 in prize money, the knives come out as the contestants battle each other to serve up the best room. Thank GOD they didn't show them watching soccer on TV or I would have been bored to death. I will never understand the popularity of that sport overseas. Nothing ever happens. The cameras however are everywhere, even following them right into the showers and bedrooms. Backstabbing, sabotage and all manner of deviousness abound, which kept me glued to the screen, episode after episode.

They like to drink something called Foster's. It's some kind of fruity punch or something and is their national drink. I don't know why...

For some strange reason, they use something called the metric system down there, so you'll hear references to "meters" (whatever that is) and some alien temperature measurement know as "Celsius" (instead of the superior Fahrenheit system), so I could never tell how hot it was. The rooms are really small, maybe that's a European thing? They don't seem to have closets (called "cupboards" there??) built into the houses and I didn't see any basements or an attic either.

Where do they put all their stuff? Rental storage units?

Did I say the rooms are small?

You guys aren't taking me seriously are you? I love Australia! It's like a little slice of Heaven on Earth! :) (The rooms really are small tho ;)


The accents are really quaint, sort of if you combined the British accent with a touch of southern American twang. Like I said, it's basically England, but warm and with palm trees. Seasons 1-4 are on Amazon Prime. The series started in the early 2000's, so You'll see a lot of flip phones, but it's still very good TV. I'm on season 3 right now and the first two were killer. The third season has super-loud music which competes with hearing the dialog. The original host Jamie Durie, is gone, replaced by a chubby older guy, completely devoid of charisma, but I'm going to keep binging anyway. Seasons 1 and 2 had me laughing out loud, so stop whatever you're doing and start watching The Block.

Thank you so much!

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