Do you like tea? Shall I make you a glass of hot tea?

in GEMS3 years ago

We decided to have tea and drink yesterday.
It was delicious.
When we feel the smell of coal when we drink tea, it smells like life.
The coal burn is beautiful, and I shall never get tired of looking at it.
and the noise of the fire is audible.
What about you
Do you like me?

Allow me.

I 'll pour you some tea.

You 're in a pretty good shape today.

Your voice is beautiful.

On the Moorish dress

And your necklace, like a child.

playing in the mirror …


برایت چای بریزم

امروز به شکل غریبی خوبی

صدایت نقشی زیباست

بر جامه‌ای مغربی

و گلوبندت، چون کودکی

بازی می‌کند زیر آیینه‌ها…

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