Jotaeme en 3 fotos y sus historias // INITIATIVE: 3 photos and their story

in GEMS3 years ago

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Saludos a todos, el día de hoy preguntandome sobre que hacer post ( sí, aveces pienso el mismo día sobre que tema hablar, por lo general siempre tengo varias ideas) encontré una iniciativa interesante y más en estos tiempos que se tratan de nuestra presencia virtual y contar historias relacionadas a las fotos, la iniciativa la encontré con @morethanbooks como promotora de esta.

Es una iniciativa que a muchos los lleva al análisis e introspección, recuerdos y encuentro de un momento dado, emociones sentimientos y tal vez nostalgia comprimidos en el recuerdo.


En esta fue una aventura ya que en mi adolescencia llevaba haciendo street art, esta foto fue pintando en un evento en el cual nos patrocinaron la pintura (nunca fui adepto al gobierno pero si inteligente para aprovechar las oportunidades), era mucha pintura, al punto que usamos para pintar y nos llevamos bolsas gigantes de potes llenos para nuestras casas, fue genial. Como anecdota , habia un plan de uno de los integrantes de ese instituto del gobierno para recuperar espacios urbanos mediante el street art y teniendonos a nosotros organizados, pero como es tipico del gobierno, solo se hicieron 3 eventos como este antes de elecciones y la otra idea nunca avanzó. Luego de este pinte en otro evento y fui el ultimo en el que pinté, ya que los temas eran más alejados a la esencia del street art obligandonos a tomar una temática, y para completar "la paga", practicamente no habia paga, ya que ellos viendo la cantidad de potes que nos llevamos en el primer evento, se pusieron a darnos menos potes y colores de los que necesitabamos, y si se gastaba o necesitabamos otro debiamos ir a pedirlo (al almacen de ellos) y justificar para que se necesita . Esto último me cayó pésimo, porque yo no soy un esbirro del gobierno, y si no hay paga en ningun sentido no pinto, como desquite de eso en ese ultimo evento, hice una imagen con multiple interpretación de un militar sin ojo y no recuerdo ahorita que otros simbolismos soble sentidos añadí . Este último fue en 2014 en plenas protestas de "La Salida".

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Volvemos al pasado y antes de mi vida de adolescente mi vida era de la escuela a la escuela de música, para este entonces fui conchertino de la orquesta infantil, paralelo a esto también tocaba piano y flauta.


Y por último viajamos al futuro, esta foto es de mi defensa de tesis de la universidad en Arquitectura, sin duda que llegué a este desenlace profesional gracias a mis influencias desde pequeño en la música y posteriormente en el street art. Ah tambien debo añadir que tengo un diplomado de fotografía y actualmente hago profesionalmente Arquitectura y fotografía, si gustan en mis redes de instagram pueden conocerme un poco y ante cualquier duda pueden escribirme sin problema alguno.

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Speak english

_Greetings to all, today wondering about what to post (yes, sometimes I think the same day about what to talk about, usually I always have several ideas) I found an interesting initiative and more in these times that are about our virtual presence and tell stories related to the photos, I found the initiative with @morethanbooks as a promoter of this one.

It is an initiative that leads many to analysis and introspection, memories and encounter of a given moment, emotions, feelings and perhaps nostalgia compressed in the memory.


In this it was an adventure since in my adolescence I had been doing street art, this photo was painting in an event in which painting was sponsored (I was never a supporter of the government but I was smart to take advantage of opportunities), it was a lot of painting, to the point that we used to paint and we took giant bags of full pots for our houses, it was great. As an anecdote, there was a plan by one of the members of that government institute to recover urban spaces through street art and having us organized, but as is typical of the government, only 3 events like this were held before the elections and the other idea never advanced. After this I painted in another event and I was the last one in which I painted, since the themes were further away from the essence of street art forcing us to take a theme, and to complete "pay", there was practically no pay, since They, seeing the amount of pots that we took with us in the first event, began to give us fewer pots and colors than we needed, and if it was spent or we needed another one, we had to go and ask for it (at their warehouse) and justify why it is needed. . This last one fell to me terrible, because I am not a henchman of the government, and if there is no pay in any sense I do not paint, as a revenge for that in that last event, I made an image with multiple interpretation of a military man without an eye and I do not remember right now that other symbolisms over the senses I added. The latter was in 2014 in full protests of "La Salida".

We go back to the past and before my life as a teenager my life was from school to music school, by this time I was a fellow member of the children's orchestra, parallel to this I also played piano and flute.

And finally we travel to the future, this photo is of my defense of the university thesis in Architecture, without a doubt that I reached this professional outcome thanks to my influences since I was a child in music and later in street art. Ah I must also add that I have a photography diploma and currently I do architecture and photography professionally, if you like them on my instagram networks you can get to know me a little and if you have any questions you can write to me without any problem.