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RE: Games: to play or not to play

in GEMS4 years ago

Hahahaha! Sometimes one can't see what's in front of one's nose. And no, we'll not leave the fun to them...

I will still play patience - and a range of them - if I can get my hands on a pack of cards. Such lovely memories of your granny, I'm sure! Nothing like the slap and click of shuffling of a pack of cards. And I do still use solitaire on the computer as a time for letting things mull - like when I get too close to something I'm working on. So, it looks as though it's time-wasting, but there's quite a lot going on behind that staring expression!!

My father taught me a game of patience called "Elevens". Adding certain numbers to make 11 - which I now never get wrong - is entirely thanks to that. The rest of my mental arithmetic is, well, just that - mental. A bit like me, I dare say... 🤣


mental. A bit like me
