Crazy Weather, Turkeys, J's Sillyness, Runes, Creepy, Puppy - Friday

in GEMS23 days ago

That psychotic weather we drove through to get here followed us and overnight went full force the other night. Yesterday morning this was the doppler and holy balls was the wind blowing hard and the rains were pounding down. It was a cooler storm which seem to not produce tornadoes as much. The spin was such that the whole storm was moving and it took almost the entire day for the back edge to move past us. Nice welcome back to ND... At least it wasn't snowing.

The trees here are genetically adapted to the winds, they bend and twist and move around like a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man but don't ever break or lose even a branch. At home our trees would be all broken in half with this kind of wind.


It was largely a hang out day at the house. SIL and nieces came over and hung out for the afternoon while she prepped food for the graduation that is today. She and @stryeyz went shopping for a while and while they were gone the wild turkeys were out and about.


There were 3 toms that were exactly the same size with the same length toggles on their chests. I can say with absolute honesty that I am not a fan of wild turkey meat, I like the turkeys I raise SOOOOO much more. I mean if I was in survival mode than whatever, but given the choice...


J loves the shake deck. He can keep himself off of it. We are taking it home with us so the house will be vibrating regularly once we are back. Down stairs it sounds exactly like a vibrating compactor roller like is used for smoothing asphalt.


I'm diving back into my Rune studies. I have been enamored with Runes since I was a child, well over 35 years, and I have finally gotten more and better books. I just about have the names rememorized and the definitions are sticking in my memory. I also have a TON of amulets I want to make and I came up with a nifty idea. I have a stack of gold leaf that I have had for 15 years, I got off ebay back in the day. I'm going to take all the leaf and melt it down into a button and then I will flatten it into a small leaf that I will stamp with my rune stamps for my own personal amulet. There are a few bind runes I want to have stamped on it.


I was in the kitchen and looked over at J on the couch and nearly lost my shit. That fucking doll is seriously creepy and this looked like a scene from a horror flick. I could totally see the doll standing up and moving to grab his eye lids....


As if it wasn't feeling right to be diving back into Runes the niece's new puppy is named Odin. I was reading in my Runes book when they showed up with him and when they brought him in and said his name I was on a page in the book that talked all about Odin. Little dude is awesome but will be a moose when he grows up.


The whole family was here for the afternoon and for dinner. It is really wild the difference in the light level outside at the same time of day. Our farm sits on the eastern side of the time zone, yet here in Minot ND they are on the west side of their time zone. That means that it is light WAY longer by time than at home. Here the sky has light to it until 10pm but at home it is dark by 9pm.


Today is the niece's high school graduation with the other 4 people in her class. This is a TINY middle of nowhere school with uber small classes. I'm looking outside and the air is dead still now, a DRASTIC change from just 12 hours ago. The graduation is mid day then the party afterwards will be at the same place as our oldest niece's graduation party. I have a few tasks to take cafe of around the house for my MIL, but it is all stuff I want to be doing to keep myself busy and not just sitting being bored.

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I love Wild Turkey..


And it isn't gamey but it will make you sound like a turkey after too much.

And fight like a turkey after a little more..

It brings out the tom in all of us

Are you watching Man United vs Man City?
We’re winning!!!

Yeah, by some miracle, or just a lax city team