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RE: Hello Hello Hive - Eliza-Anne here!

in GEMSlast year (edited)

When I saw that post I knew it was something I wanted to support a little more and so I sent it to curangel for some additional voting.

In respect of communities, there's a few I like a glance at my post feed will tell you which they are and I also have three of my own.


Hi @galenkp & Happy Thursday to you :)

I look for passion, personality and effort when curating and your post had that, as does this one, and so...yep, I followed you.

Coming from someone who has been here since 2017 and has as many notches on their belt as you do, I shall consider the follow a very high compliment then and say a very meaningful "Thank You". I do love to write and yes, I have a gazillion passions, lolz! I am thrilled that they came through!

Thanks also for the info re. the communities. I have been exploring a little more as well and have discovered a few more... like the "Hive Book Club" which I intend to drop my first post in later, yay! The outdoors and more, definitely catches my attention, and the weekend experiences I have already joined, as you know :) But I will definitely be visiting your feed and to see what other communities you share on.

The other is for Lego...that's right, I build Lego. It's ok, you can judge, although I get the impression you're not that way inclined by nature.

Well, I was about to throw lego at you :P and then I read the last part of that sentence, lolz! Your impression was indeed correct. I do my best not to judge others, for a pretty simple reason, and that is, I don't like being judged. A basic philosophy I guess, but it works for me, mostly. Also, I tend to believe that pretty much everyone has something to teach us, whether that comes in expected or unexpected ways, so it is always worth keeping an open mind. Sure, there are always exceptions, but I am speaking "mostly".

I am looking forward to getting to know you, and so many others better as I plod along here and I will be heading over to your blog soon!

bye for now :)


If you threw Lego at me I'd catch it and add it to my collection. Imagine a monkey catching food someone has thrown at it. I'm a Lego monkey. (Hmm, not the best description I've ever given myself.)

LOLZ! I have heard worse...

(not for you) haha, in general.