Toxic people

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello my beautiful people, I hope you are very well and full of harmony, for this occasion I wanted to talk to you about a very important topic, which is that of toxic people, we all have a friend, family member or acquaintance, who is a toxic person , who constantly annoys us and does a lot of damage with his words in various ways to put it in some way, in this publication, I give you the solution on how to deal with this type of people in various circumstances.

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First of all we are going to divide toxic people into three different types, and to clearly define what makes you toxic to others, there are the type of self-centered people who everything has to revolve around them to feel satisfied, too we can realize that pessimistic people exist but this type of people is very usual, even we are all pessimists to a greater or lesser extent the real problem exists when the person makes you feel guilty or highlights you frequently in the problem, all We have been toxic at some point so we will seek to accurately analyze these people and seek to help them.

The first type of case that we are going to deal with is passive aggressive people, they are unhappy people with the environment that surrounds them, they always complain about everything but in a calm way as long as you cannot complain about them, they always have a role victim as if everyone was fighting with them and find it hard to see their fundamental mistakes, making it almost impossible for them to improve as people until they open their eyes, the first thing we have to do with these types of people is apply what it is the language of rude love, to make them understand with your words the evil that they are doing to themselves and to others, that after all you love that person or you have simple appreciation, but you want him to improve, that's why you have What to highlight what you are doing wrong so that you can see it, if you know the person intimately, look for that something that will give light to your life, a project, a job or simply something that you like that has the opportunity to expand. On, always remember that these people are not really bad and they do things without understanding why, that is why it is so necessary that you arm yourself with courage, and try to explain them in a slightly louder tone without actually yelling at them, I also recommend taking it away of all kinds of negative news that is not necessary, examples the news, and always remember to let them know that they love them and that they want to improve it for their life.

The second type of person is those who do not feel empathy for anything, these types of people usually do not care what other people feel, they are psychopaths or bad people, they only find it difficult to put themselves in the place of the other, and they even do not respect feelings from other people, in a relationship of any kind empathy as well as love is an almost fundamental basis for the relationship to be solid, they are not interested in the achievements of others, what to do with this type of people, has to be a gradual process, not fast, to make them understand the feelings of others, surely they have some emotional blockage and it is likely that they will have to go to a psychologist, as a family reinforcement, try to play a role game in which you make them understand in this way what the other feels, it can also work with movies, books or series that are liked by the person and make them reflect that if they are able to feel for other people, it is a process that is gradual, and should leaving calmly, after all, lack of empathy is not always lack of love, it is just an emotional block in which you must work together with the person.

And finally we have negative people, they are unhappy, envious, malicious, they mock the evil of others, and they force you in many ways both to see them and sometimes physically to do what they want, even many of them turn out to be charming people who basically They have the gift of manipulating others, these types of people are the most complex to deal with, because many of them have been this way for years, and to a certain extent if they have never corrected them, they must believe that it is okay to be like this, but just as in the first case you have to tell them what you feel, if you can not do it alone, look for friends and family, close to the person to talk to everyone, especially if they feel the same, basically do a kind of intervention, if the person consumes, drugs, alcohol, or is addicted to something specific that makes him abstract from reality in a very strong way, you have to take it off, because basically they are addicted to it, I strongly recommend trying helping these types of people, is a serious problem for themselves and for society, they are not bad born, they are people who have been carrying trauma, and very deep sadness that if they continue to carry with them can cause serious problems, I recommend doing the intervention accompanied by a specialist if the person has been in this way for many years, if they know the reason for the problem why it is so, you have to let them know.

I hope this is of great help to you, I send you the best good vibes and a lot of love.