#HiveComments - Interaction initiative

in GEMS4 years ago

Welcome to my blog

I join the initiative proposed by @garybilbao better known as "The Commentator", a proposal supported by the friend @theycallmedan to give our opinion and in turn our experience on how influences comments on the platform specifically on a personal basis.

Comments are extremely important because they help us to grow when they are constructive comments in addition to clearing up many doubts on various topics, for example now that we are developing this proposal to know our point of view on this important and simple topic but that many do not know its benefits so they prefer to stay on the sidelines in giving their opinion on your defined topic.

Making comments about a topic benefits both whoever comments and who receives the comment, it benefits the former when their opinions are constructive showing an important and positive message where words are found encouraging that drive the writer; For those who write it is important to receive comments because they can improve the quality of the content they develop.

Over the days I have been able to confirm that our platform is made up of people from all over the world, wonderful people with whom we can easily keep in constant communication through comments and thus keep us in constant communication; This is a fundamental tool to make ourselves known and grow by developing through what we do here, which is nothing more than developing original content.

From my experience I can say that the comments changed my life in #hive because they have allowed me to meet people from all over the world and keep in constant interaction with them to clear up doubts while updating myself In the different changes of the platform, these words that reach my inbox every day in my different posts are a source of inspiration to create better content every day. I particularly like to respond to the comments that other people make to my post because it is a way to show them how important their opinion has been to me in addition to the time invested in it.

Throughout my stay on this platform I have seen a number of comments that are worth stopping to read because there is a very important message, I have also seen messages discouraging especially in new users; It is these types of messages that discourage and somehow force them to withdraw from the beef because they feel slighted and at the same time isolated.

We know that the human being is not perfect, we live in constant development, many times we make mistakes but we are willing to make up for our mistakes, so we are always in need of good advice, words motivators and positive gestures that lead us on the right path in order to get away from total ignorance. I say this because many times we act without thinking, we let ourselves be carried away by the moment, so we simply observe and that is what leads us to err; The important thing is to become aware and seek guidance, lose the pain or fear and dare to leave a small but valuable contribution in the post that we like the most so that that person feels pleased and we in turn make ourselves known.

Thanks to @theycallmedan for sponsoring the initiative and thus keeping us in constant virtual interaction, meeting more and more people.

Thank you for visiting my post.

Es triste ver usuarios que no publican más a causa de un comentario. No estoy en contra de señalar algún error o criticar algo, pero si lo vas a hacer en público, ten un poco de tacto; de lo contrario, es mejor que no digas nada o lo hagas por privado.
Gracias por participar. Un abrazo.

Por aquí pasó | El Comentador |


Muy bien dicho!

Yo soy nuevo en la platforma y estoy comenzando a interactuar y he visto algunos cambios, esta iniciativa es importante porque nos ayuda conocernos.

Saludos @alejandroxg ciertamente es una excelente iniciativa que incentiva el comentario!

Hi, @giocondina
This is true and important:

We know that the human being is not perfect, we live in constant development, many times we make mistakes but we are willing to make up for our mistakes, so we are always in need of good advice, words motivators and positive gestures that lead us on the right path in order to get away from total ignorance.

Sometimes peco de meti'o and I comment on someone who has made a mistake either about words, images, or tags. Usually people get it and edit whatever needs editing, but occasionally you find someone who gets offended by the suggestion.
I know now that most people do not think that we should make observations regarding grammar, for instance, so I ignore those, but if it is someone I know well and know that they will not take it the wrong way, I offer a suggestion commment.
I value any observation I get. I think that is part of what this latform should represent.

Saludos @hlezama me complace que estés comentando y bueno con respecto a la gramática creo que uno de los aspectos más importantes a tratar cuando escribimos lamentablemente a diario veo cómo valoran contenidos muy mal escritos, lo que deja ver que no leen lo que escribimos. Particularmente yo no me opongo a un comentario que venga con sugerencias positivas, a lo que me opongo rotundamente es a los comentarios destructivos y malintencionados; de verdad me parecen de muy mal gusto.