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RE: #HiveComments - Interaction initiative

in GEMS4 years ago

Hi, @giocondina
This is true and important:

We know that the human being is not perfect, we live in constant development, many times we make mistakes but we are willing to make up for our mistakes, so we are always in need of good advice, words motivators and positive gestures that lead us on the right path in order to get away from total ignorance.

Sometimes peco de meti'o and I comment on someone who has made a mistake either about words, images, or tags. Usually people get it and edit whatever needs editing, but occasionally you find someone who gets offended by the suggestion.
I know now that most people do not think that we should make observations regarding grammar, for instance, so I ignore those, but if it is someone I know well and know that they will not take it the wrong way, I offer a suggestion commment.
I value any observation I get. I think that is part of what this latform should represent.


Saludos @hlezama me complace que estés comentando y bueno con respecto a la gramática creo que uno de los aspectos más importantes a tratar cuando escribimos lamentablemente a diario veo cómo valoran contenidos muy mal escritos, lo que deja ver que no leen lo que escribimos. Particularmente yo no me opongo a un comentario que venga con sugerencias positivas, a lo que me opongo rotundamente es a los comentarios destructivos y malintencionados; de verdad me parecen de muy mal gusto.