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RE: The new postal cards from my illustrations just arrived to me!

in GEMS2 years ago

Those are very pretty! I love them. I also love the idea of making art into cards or postcards. They are nice for sending, but also, poor people like myself sometimes purchase art cards or postcards because they are beautiful and decorative without being too costly. Don't get me wrong. I think art is worthwhile. When I have money, I spend some of it on original art by living artists, but that is not always possible and this is another way to have beauty around me.



I totally agree with you, it's a way to share art in a very affordable way. Like many artists, I'm not rich and so I can understand you and I like to collect little pieces of art to have beauty around me. Postal cards are a perfect way to decor a corner of home and some of my local customers framed a group of my past postal cards creating an awesome corner at home. ^_^