Slowly getting back at it ...

in GEMS2 years ago



And then it just happens that you run out of inspiration completely. Circumstances in the house with the dogs that have completely pulled me out of my focus for this year. The two worst months of the year (January and February), which seem to drag by slowly and slowly like an endless collection of dark and gray hours. It's cold, it's gray, it's wet and I ... I'd rather go into hibernation. The last heat of Lana where I had to split myself and my time again between Lana on the one hand, and Skipper on the other. And Myla must of course not be forgotten, has demanded a lot of my energy. The constant alertness that is needed at those moments has also ensured that I could no longer find the time or inspiration to blog.

And once that started to get back to normal, I started dealing with flu symptoms myself that didn't make it any easier or better. The household chores must continue. The dogs need to be walked, but besides that I simply didn't have the energy to do anything else. So blogging, or even attempting to be active… that fell completely silent.

After which I seemed to end up in a kind of circle, and the pressure I feel makes it even quieter in me. Even when I try to think of WHAT to blog about, nothing comes to mind. Which in itself is also strange, because every day I experience something.


Phone calls that made me laugh

For example, yesterday I got a phone call which made me laugh. My partner has chosen an email address, which is not common to say the least. It refers to our Lexxieboy! And the propane gas supplier wanted to send an email that they will replace the gas tank next to our house on February 9. But when he saw the email address that was in the system, he wanted to make sure that this was really correct. I couldn't help but laugh, confirmed that it was indeed the correct email address, and confirmed the appointment for the gas tank replacement. I wonder what they think there. LOL.

Then I got a WhatsApp call from my sister, she wanted to know how it was that I now NOT post anything on Facebook anymore. And there's a story behind that too. Because I already did very little on Facebook, but for a few friends, I still had the occasional moment when I posted a small update. That is over. I locked myself out of my account.


Locked out of my Facebook

How did I manage that? Not so hard. I had put a 2FA verification on my Facebook for some reasons, and when I bought and started using my phone last December, the transfer of the 2FA verification apps went wrong. I didn't even notice that I missed the 2FA verification from Facebook because I was logged in on my own desktop, and don't use Facebook anywhere else. I also deliberately did NOT install it on my phone. So when I deleted the cookies from my desktop a week ago, I was logged out of Facebook, and then three days later I noticed that I was missing the 2FA verification code. Yes, I could reset it, but Facebook wants my official ID for that. And that… that's a no-go for me. I seriously don't feel like sending my ID to Facebook. I mean, they're not exactly known for great handling of sensitive data. So too bad for the people who aren't on Hive, but go Facebook more for me. And the few people I really care about have my phone number.

Maybe they'll come to Hive

Maybe they will finally move over to Hive! I already told them that I don't write a blog here every day, but that I am certainly much more active here than via Facebook. I could already miss the negative energy I felt through Facebook like a toothache.

And I also did a bit of painting. And I took my rest, because that was what I needed most.

Rest is okay, falling silent is not!

But rest is beautiful, rest should not turn into “falling silent”, and then into “lethargy”, which could turn into “depression”. That should absolutely not happen. So time to kick myself in the butt and climb back into the blogs. Serious time to look for inspiration possibilities, and serious time to pick up the things I've wanted to do for a long time. Looking for opportunities instead of seeing problems.

Finding new impulses. That's actually the biggest problem right now. And yet, I do see an end to that too. Today is February 1, the first months, which I always 'suffer from', are almost over. Later in March I hope that spring will arrive in our country.

Thinking what kind of cake I'm going to make

My partner's birthday is in 2 weeks, which is also something nice to look forward to, and I'm already looking for what kind of cake I will make for that occasion. And that cake brings me back to another thing. Because food photography is something I really seriously want to do more, and delve into it more for myself. It's something I can do at home. And that is already an important point because due to the lack of a good means of transport I don't travel further from home very often anymore. Photographing the environment here no longer arouses any inspiration in me. But photographing a new dish every day is of course an option. The styling of food photography demands something completely new from me ... I would really have to go to the thrift store to find charming crockery and things for that. Because after looking a lot at food photography, I noticed, the styling is half the battle.

Not yet!

And of course I can write about the paintings I make, but I also have other plans for that. About which I will tell you another time when I have arranged what I want to arrange for that.


I long for Spring and Summer

The last thing on this short list of things I'm really looking forward to is summer, of course. A time that will hopefully provide many long days in the open air, and a time when I will hopefully also move further away from home. A time when I hope to be able to use my camera more often to view, photograph and blog about places in our own country.

But the most important thing for now is ... take it easy, collect my energy again and then hopefully with renewed energy at full speed again.


There are days and months like these and one cannot wait for it to be over. Thank God it is a new month. You have some plans on your plate already, you are taking it easy collecting your energy and soon you will be fully back in the game. I would like to read your dog diaries.

Oh, yes! Absolutely. But indeed, thank God it's a new month, and we're approaching the better months of the year. Yes, I sure have plans and the energy will be up soon again.

Dog diaries, that's something on my list to do more often again. It's also a way to take out my camera again.

Thanks for your visit and comment!

I am glad I did. Thanks.

Interesting blog today, glad you are back.

And I absolutely love this:

I could already miss the negative energy I felt through Facebook like a toothache.

The only thing I use FB for is to see pictures of my grandkids...

Hope you are feeling back up to par soon!

I'm glad to be back in the game. And you make me laugh that you especially like that one little thingy.

Yes, FB is a way to keep yourself updated with family pictures. I am feeling better already. And it will get better every day.

Thank you for your visit and comment.

Nog hopelijk maar een paar weekskes en dan schijnt hopelijk de zon weer mevrouwke. Deze winter duurt echt way tooo long.

Hou vol en n goeien aai voor de hondjes!

Laat de zon maar komen, en zelfs ECHT winter zou welkom zijn. Droog vriesweer met een zonnetje en wat sneeuw mag ook nog. Alles beter als deze eindeloze grijze natte dagen. De knuffels zijn afgeleverd, ze waren er blij mee. Ook een goede knuffel voor jouw hondje, en voor jou! Hou vol!

After which I seemed to end up in a kind of circle, and the pressure I feel makes it even quieter in me. Even when I try to think of WHAT to blog about, nothing comes to mind. Which in itself is also strange, because every day I experience something.

I fall into this circle way, way to often and I seem to never find and easy way out of it, ya know? It just keeps getting deeper and deeper and I think that's what led to my absence from Hive for so long, so now I'm even more pressured to not let it happen again and it gets exhausting lololol

You should definitely make your partner a dirt cake! It was my all time favorite when I was eating such things and it never fails to delight!!!

Dirt Cake! I seriously never heard of that, but I looked it up and it actually sounds not that dirty at all! That could be a nice recipe to make. If it will be his birthday cake, that´s not sure yet, but I´ll add it to my ¨to-do-list¨, because I will defo try this one time.

I think that's what led to my absence from Hive for so long, so now I'm even more pressured to not let it happen again and it gets exhausting lololol

I´m glad you´re back, but I also can totally relate to that. I absolutely didn´t feel like it at all for the last two weeks. But I also didn´t want to fall silent for too long because I know how easy it will get worse.

not that i'm an expert or anything, but touch base with me before making the dirt cake....i've make tons of them and I can make sure you have the best recipe lololol

Will sure do that!

Very cuty dogs🙏😍 I love it

Thanks, I appreciate your visit and comment! The dogs are very cute, but can also be very stubborn. Lol. It doesn't matter, we still love them to the moon and back.

I have My cat. It name is Herkül


He´s a handsome man.

Yes, handsome my son 🙂

Sounds like you have been struggling :( ... But you and your dogs are well, so perhaps it's time to celebrate :) ?

The celebrations are around the corner.


Thanks for visiting and the comment. It's much appreciated!

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very interesting your post friend

Glad you’re back on hive. Very interesting post

Es bueno de vez en cuando salir de donde vivimos así tenemos la oportunidad de conocer muchas cosas hermosas y tomarles fotografias. Me fascina salir y conocer sobre todo disfrutar y vivir ese momento.

Elk seizoen heeft zijn eigen schoonheid, maar het is echt moeilijk om in erg koude streken te leven. Er is geen plaats voor dieren om te schuilen, zeker niet met dit weer. Als mensen moeten we ingrijpen. Gefeliciteerd met je foto's.

Terlihat sangat melelahkan hewan ini

I'm sorry, but I seriously have no idea what you mean?