Homemade Flan for Dessert || Flan Casero de Postre [ENG/ESP]

in GEMS2 years ago
Authored by @Hgalue

Good evening dear friends of the hive.
I present to you this exquisite dessert that my sister made to receive the year 2023.
Never in my life have I tried this flan so delicious, she really knows how to prepare a homemade flan.
How do you know my specialties are cakes, but I did not want to miss this day so that you can see the beautiful dessert that my sister gave us.
I wish you that this new year that is beginning is full of good things for all the members that are part of the hive. 🥂

Happy 2023🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂

Buenas noches queridos amigos del hive.
Les presento este exquisito postre que hizo mi hermana para recibir el año 2023.
Jamás en mi vida he probado este flan tan rico, ella si que sabe preparar un flan casero.
Cómo sabrán mi especialidades son las tortas, pero no quería dejar de pasar este día para que puedan ver el hermoso postre que nos regaló mi hermana.
Les deseo que este nuevo año que empieza sea lleno de cosas buenas para todos los integrantes que somos parte del hive. 🥂

Feliz 2023🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂


A sweet treat! Please share some. 😀

Looks delicious sis.

Feliz 2023 amiga. Just like you, I so love leche flan. But every time I make it, it seemed I have not shaped it well so I always end up ordering or requesting my friend to prepare for me, heheh. By the way, it looks so delicious and it was best for the holiday season. Best regards to you my beautiful friend. Once again, Happy new year!