Failure Is Always FOLLOWED BY SUCCESS !! Both Are Related!

in GEMS4 years ago
Life can be easily compared to a battle that we all are fighting every now and then it is a battle to stay alive it is a battle to go to work brings it is a battle to bring the things to Reality what we want to really badly as well as it is a battle to compete with other people and be the winner of out of all of them it is a battle for everything it is a battle of being successful for been unsuccessful it is completely Battlefield.


In this battle field there are only two results for to outcomes that we can get out of every situation and that is the one which we know as a successful outcome as well as the other one window as being the and successful outcome of the failure that we receive in certain situations but in both of the cases we end up in the positive Spear if we want to be.

The thing is that a lot of people to ignore the one soon phase failure or rather on successful ones but in reality they are also capable of doing a lot they are also having their own sets of cost is which even the successful people and not having had not having them to be owning because they have not deal with the situations which they have gone through.


The thing is that every and successful people you see or around you is definitely going to have a successful and at the end of the day and there is definitely a fact where as any successful people you pick from anywhere in your life or wherever you have seen that person he or she will also surely going to be having an unsuccessful past as well.


Success and unsuccessful definitely pretty much the same the only thing is that you read some other destination in either of the ways and the destination you reach are either by what you wanted to be for the one you do not decide to get to.

But regardless of where you reached you read somewhere where you were not present at the very previous day and you today are having something which did not had the very previous day and there is one of the biggest positives that you cannot achieve from whatever you do in any task because doing something is definitely a lack time better than doing nothing.

Always remember that the successful people you see all around you are never always right they also have done mistake and they also having someone successful as well but they overcame that and became successful in the present of today and that applies to the same of those people who are and successful at the present moment they may be having an unsuccessful present but they sure are going to be having a successful future if they want to make it like that.


All of it depends upon you where you want to be and what you want to achieve whatever your current status is it is not going to be the same all the time around let it be if you are successful even if you are not successful it is not going to say the same if you don't intend it to change or if you don't give efforts to make it what it is.


Thanks Everyone For Stopping by and spending some time on my works and I hope you liked it :)

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I am Alisha, a resident of India who loves to create and interact. I am known by @iamalisha in the blockchain world and in real life I do graviate towards creating videos, listening songs and hunt for ways to bring my dreams to reality. Please Drop below your valuable feedback and help me grow and march ahead :)


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Saludos!! Realmente depende de cada quién lograr sus objetivos planteados y alcanzar el exito, y aunque algunas veces se puede hacer difícil, en ése momento es cuando debemos trabajar más fuerte y ser más Inteligentes.

You are right @iamalisha, it all depends how you are defining successes and mistakes.