When THEY CAN"T Stop you from succeeding they START HATING !

in GEMS4 years ago
You will see a lot of people in your life who are preceding towards massive success and developing very rapidly in their life with their own credit and it is something which is everyone wants to be at the same time those people are not getting what they deserve on the other hand they are getting something which they really do not ever deserve which are the negative things been said about them or being talked about them on their backs.

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You would see this is a release kind of a situation when people do panic or are pretty much afraid that what should be the next step of their for what should be the thing that they should be focusing on as people have started talking negative about you and you have started to think that there might be something that you need to improve work there might be something which you are having wrong.


Yeah definitely there are chances that there is something awesome error in you that you might have to replace or improve but most of the time the thing that happens in this real life of this competitive world is that those people who is success can't be stopped by any other means people start to talk negative work right to hate that percent this is the unfortunate truth of this modern world and you can check out the proofs all around you yourself.

There are a lot of people who are not able to digest the success of other people as they themselves are incapable of making match to their level so what they opt to do is trying to spread negativity about that persons in the audience of that or in any normal public which is really something which is ineffective of pointless but still people do that.

Throughout our lives we do given efforts we try to learn something we develop our skills into something which we implement into a field and try to be successful in that and after all of these hurdles with 2 face something which is known as negativity which is really something which is capable of pulling down a hugely successful person even from the top to the scratch.

But mostly it is depending upon that person who is dealing with because it is really something which you can choose to be avoiding or ignoring as it is something which is really useless as it is consisting of people who just jealous of your success.

Thanks Everyone For Stopping by and spending some time on my works and I hope you liked it :)

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I am Alisha, a resident of India who loves to create and interact. I am known by @iamalisha in the blockchain world and in real life I do graviate towards creating videos, listening songs and hunt for ways to bring my dreams to reality. Please Drop below your valuable feedback and help me grow and march ahead :)


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