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RE: Does Palestine Have the Right to Self-Defense?

in GEMS3 years ago

Any public criticism of the Israeli government tends to result in accusations of antisemitism. Never mind that the government does not represent the people, or that the Palestinians are Semitic, too. No, you're a closet neo-Nazi if you call out the crimes committed by Israel!


Sure does,
Even Justin Trudeau said this.

The world leaders are wanting this war I feel, One more way to cause WW3

Thank you, for seeing through the spin of bulky posing as victim... Hopefully, world wakes up...

Of the 219 people who have been killed in Gaza, so far, at least 63 are children.

Some of their names are, below :

May their precious lives not be lost in vain 🕊


This breaks my heart, thank you for honoring them here x

Bless you 🙏🏽

Meditating on this:

I have spent a great deal of my life during the past thirty-five years advocating the rights of the Palestinian people to national self-determination, but I have always tried to do that with full attention paid to the reality of the Jewish people and what they suffered by the way of persecution and genocide.

The paramount thing is that the struggle for equality in Palestine/Israel should be directed toward a humane goal, that is, coexistence, and not further suppression and denial.

Not accidentally, I indicate that Orientalism and modern anti-Semitism have common roots.

Therefore, it would seem to be a vital necessity for independent intellectuals always to provide alternative models to the reductively simplifying and confining ones, based on mutual hostility, that have prevailed in the Middle East and elsewhere for so long.

—Edward Said, Orientalism