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RE: An amazing Sunrise in the Mountains for me alone

in GEMS4 years ago

You must go there before the tourist season begins or after it has ended.
Otherwise you hear people talking and laughing almost all day long, and that's not what I like to hear in the mountains... the sounds of the cows and of the sheep and of the wildlife is beautiful and is part of the life up there in the mountains, but besides the animals it should be quiet for me.
Mostly I get up very early then and hike up to a peak. All people I might meet at such an early time are of about the same kind as I am and they love the silence 😉

It's always a pleasure for me to get such nice comments like yours when I share my photos and also parts of my life here on th eHive.
So, thank you so much, Trudee, take care and have a wonderful day 🙂



Oh.....if only that were possible Johann.

There is something uniquely invigorating about the environment of high places.....and mountains if one has the energy and the opportunity to do so.

And the early hours of the day are the best times to appreciate your surroundings, especially when accompanied by the 'sound of silence.'

accompanied by the 'sound of silence'

That's a nice saying and I totally agree with that.
I always try to already be on my way back when the first "tourists" or hikers arrive. That way I have all places most times for me alone 🙂