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RE: Graffiti, art or advertising

in GEMS4 years ago

To me it looks like the mask belongs to the graffiti and in my eyes it is art and I like it 😀

Do you remember your saying that we will have to live with the masks for a while longer? Well, ours are back as well as from Monday on many of our measures are back too ☹️

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Your could be right i wasnt quite sure, but i do like the piece, and agree it is art

So sorry to here they are rolling back masks and other measures there, I think in some places around the world they tried to roll back to quickly unfortunatly

Cheers and !BEER

It's just my opinion, because it all matches perfectly in my eyes.

That's it, we have thought it is all over, but it wasn't and the people didn't think nor did they care about the virus anymore.

Cheers and !BEER

Looking at it again I do agre with you the style all does match for sure

I just saw on the news here to local universities that just reopened to in person classes have had spikes of Covid cases and have had to switch back to online classes sadly I expect to see more stories like that

Cheers and !BEER

Yes, we are back at the beginning and although everybody should know what's going on and what to do, it is all confusing again.

Just take care my friend 😊

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I just heard on the NEws Israel, which had handled it well at the start opened up early and now have a bad spike and are going to a nationwide lockdown

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Yeah, just like we have handled it very good when it began, while other countries smiled about our measures.
It all starts again.

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Seems in so many countries its onto a second cycle, and I think that is coming here as well, and honestly it has not been handled well here

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