in GEMS4 years ago

Hello dear friends, This is my own contribution to #marketfriday Initiative by @dswigle. The market is located in Ile oluji town in Ondo state. It's a big Market and open to everyone who wants to buy and sell every 5 days. In this Market, foodstuffs, cloths and other household materials are being sold. Prices are high at this time because of the Covid19 but there is great hope this will reduce soon. People come from Ondo town, Bamikemo and other neighboring villages to buy and sell. I got some foodstuffs for the week. In the market, fresh vegetables, fish, meat, cowskin,rice, beans and many others are being brought for sale.





















A big thanks to everyone for checking my blog and for your comment✍️✍️. I am grateful🙏🙏.


Phone type : INFINIX HOT 8 X650D
32 Gig Rom, 3 Gig Ram

Main Camera : 13 + 2 megapixel with quad flashlight and triple camera.

Rear camera :. 8 megapixel with flashlight

Contents are written by Originally by me @johnolusegun

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Who Am I?


  • @Johnolusegun is a Geographer with great interest in Human Migration and it's effects and also a geographic information analyst with interested in Geo-intelligence. I am also a farmer , I plant crops and rear animals. I also draw and paints too. I am a blogger and a writer. I am also a motivational speaker. I am a member of the Scout association of Nigeria. I am also a good cook.

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This is a very big market, filled with much produce to keep a family going for a while. I see it is located in Ile Oluji town in Ondo state. Is this the regular market that you go to? Is it local to you or do you have to travel far to get to it?

I can see that although I feel like it is a crowded market with lots of people in it, you probably think it is not. I have seen some of the markets there and wow! Talk about people!!

The tomatoes are glorious there! Mountains of them along with the chilis! I have to ask because so many people talk about it. The dried cow skin? Is that to eat or do you use it for soup? I have never asked about it and was waiting for someone to say something, but, finally, I decided to ask. :)) You have some very wonderful pictures to show off your market. It would help break up the scroll through of just pictures and no text if you wrote a little something about a few of the pictures instead of just the paragraph at the top. It would add more value to an already good post.Although I appreciate it very much, it might add to the post if you do this. Don't take this as criticism. It is not. I love all my markets post sent to me! I have learned so much from all of them, exchanging cultures, and also making for a better understanding of our world. If we understand each other, there is more tolerance, in my opinion. Thank you for providing an opportunity for me! Each week, I enter the challenge to provide a different look of American culture, some of it over the top and some, everyday things. It shows off how much we are alike and how different life can be. In the end, it makes it an experience that I look forward to. I appreciate the love and support you give to #MarketFriday! It Is heartwarming to see how many posts into the challenge, including you. Thank you! Truly! Your participation adds a unique flavor to the mix. I just love clicking on the link and having a new world open up, right before my very eyes! Thank you again for being a part of all this! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

How to Participate:

Go to the market! Any market will do! Food, clothing, plant, or animal, if you wish. You can go to the zoo, an art auction, and restaurants. Anywhere or anything that you pay money for any kind of service.
Take pictures! Be creative! It’s fun!
Tell us a little bit about the market, what brought you here?
Post the picture.(s)
Don’t forget to use the MarketFriday Community #196308 to post from or hashtag it! #MarketFriday by @dswigle If you hashtag it, drop the link to your post here so I can easily find them.

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and reposted

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