How I feel watching Bitcoin

in GEMS4 years ago

Watching closely with brief celebrations

Bitcoin has got everyone watching it these past few days, including me.

This is how I feel as I watch bitcoin around $10k:

(Source: ~~~ embed:1258817464714100737) twitter metadata:cHVyY2hhc2FibGV8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vcHVyY2hhc2FibGUvc3RhdHVzLzEyNTg4MTc0NjQ3MTQxMDA3MzcpfA== ~~~

Unfortunately I still need higher prices before I even break even on my bitcoin holdings.

But this is sure better than $7k where we were for far too long.

Bring on the $20k break and I will get out the popcorn and confetti!


Hahahahah! This genuinely made me laugh out loud. I have had my eye on Hive and BTC for the last few days, perhaps too much.

(You have been manually curated by @ericwilson and @thehempinghand curation project)