Shooting with my Galaxy A72.

in GEMSlast month


Since updating my Galaxy A72, I have not really taken it for a spin to check for camera updates. (I have not been shooting in 7 months due to health issues and hospitalizations.) However, I am in partial remission and have resumed cooking for myself.



I went to the market yesterday to buy some cooking supplies and decided to take some photos. You can now shoot with either the 32MP or 64MP sensor that the phone originally came with, and you can also add bokeh effects to portrait photos after they have been taken.

Many other changes have occurred to the camera since I upgraded it to Android 14 and after three years of updating this phone, it remains very solid with the exception of the battery strength, which is no longer as strong as it once was.

This phone is still around $400 on the market, and it is still as powerful, as well as one of those Samsung devices that still includes a charger.

So these photos were taken on a rainy day, which means there was insufficient lighting. Despite the low lighting, the pictures turned out well.

This is a typical setting for a Nigerian market.





I have a place where I buy vegetables, meat, tomatoes, and ingredients for native soup. The seller is absolutely stunning, probably in her early twenties, and if this was taken with my iPhone, you will understand what I mean. Although her face is not completely visible, (which I prefer, so I chose these ones on purpose)

I buy most of my ingredients for native soup there, and they have the best dried sea fish, which are absolutely delicious but very expensive. However, I can only purchase what I can afford.

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The pictures came out quite well. I tend to think that the camera doesn't really degrade but I do agree that battery is an issue as the phone gets older.

The battery was one of the selling points of the phone, but it got bad as the phone aged, it's still a marvelous piece of tech.

Wow...those pictures came out clear and beautiful. I hope the soup ends up being delicious, cos I could imagine how delicious the soup will be with the all this ingredients you bought in the market.

Yes, the food ended up coming out very well. The pictures are good from Samsung' point of view.

The camera works well, the images are very clear even in the absence of sunlight. I am just curious about what will happen when the lightning gets stronger, it will probably appear more brilliant.

I am sure the soup you prepare will be delicious, but ughh, I am craving native soup because I have not had any in a long time.

Don't worry, you will make your own soup soon enough, hahaha. Start counting down

That's pretty cool, and I bet you were stocking up for your cooking day? How did it go? How were the updates on the phone?

I did my cooking today, quite a rigorous process, I have more to do, my appointment is Friday so I have to cook, so I wouldn't be cooking on Friday.
The update was good, I tested them out. Can't believe after 2 years this phone is still as solid as ever

I have always thought that A series Samsung phones don’t have good camera
This one is really nice

The A series have the best cameras, A72 is over 450k naira at the moment, they have very good camera second to the S series

Wow man such clear pictures.... I'm definitely going to go check out this version and see if I can swap my phone for it ... Wow thanks so much for sharing

It's the A72, it's a decent phone and it's a bit expensive, but it does the job. Yeah, thanks for checking them out..

Looks like a really quality phone

The resolution on the photos are correct
It is not too bright considering the moment you capture these photos
Good initiative to put to trial the performance of your camera.

Thank you

You're one of my favorite authors so I always get notifications of your post.... Don't be alarmed by the speed of reading it first 😂😂

The food is making me hungry although I just ate chicken 😂😂😂

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