Noticia de última hora, perdí diez dólares por querer un juego / Breaking news. I lost ten dollars for wanting a game.

in GEMS3 years ago

The English version is below the Spanish version.


Espero en algún momento dejar de ser tan dramático y exagerado, esta historia que les contare es por humor, pero es algo que me acaba de pasar.

Lleveba bastantes días queriendo jugar a un juego con un amigo, pero necesitaba tener una cuenta en steam para poder comprar el juego,pero era mas complicado que el simple decirlo, el tema estaba que para que un juego me costara menos necesitaba tener la cuenta de steam que estuviese registrada en Argentina, estoy me hizo acordarme que mi mejor amigo que es de argentina me la podía crear, pero el es una persona muy ocupada en la vida que le encanta dormir y jugar league of legends. Estuve varios dias insistiendole en que me creara la cuenta y a el siempre se le olvidaba, por esto deje de molestarlo e intente usar un VPN, el vpn funcionaba de maravilla, pero tenia como un tiempo de uso que eran como veinte minutos, en esos veinte minutos mi internet empezo a fallar mas que nunca, asi que se me fueron los minutos y no hice nada.

Tuve que volver a molestar a mi amigo, hasta que por fin acepto crearme la cuenta, todo salio bien, tanto asi que el me dijo que me regalaria el juego, yo estaba mas contento que un niño en navidad, pero mientras creabamos la cuenta el se habia comprado un juego, asi que tenia que esperar al dia siguiente para poder hacer otra transacción (no sé, algo personal de él).

Estuve super contento con mi cuenta en argentina, le descargue el Brawlhalla para seguir con mi reto personal de vencer al bot experto, no importaba la region, yo seguia siendo malisimo en el juego.

Al dia siguiente yo no dejaba de pensar en eso, pero tambien estaba pensando en quitarme la limitacion de steam para poder añadir amigos, teniendo la cuenta argentina yo pensaba.

Si mi amigo me tranfiere lo que equivale cinco dolares en pesos argentinos podre quitarme la limitacion y comprarme el juego, depues que un amigo que tiene paypal que le transfiera a mi mejor amigo los cinco dolares, yo le pagaba en efectivo los cinco dolares a mi amigo que tenia paypal, listo y sencillo.

Eso pensaba yo.

En todo el dia mi amigo no se conectaba y yo soy MUY IMPACIENTE, asi que me puse en contacto con otro amigo (este tercer amigo es muy importante en la historia asi que lo llamaremos Pepe para no decirle amigo) que tenia un contacto de aguien en argentina que trabaja con ese tipo de cosas. Nos pusimos manos a la obra con eso, resulta que ya no serian cinco dolares, que tenia que pagar diez al contacto para que se encargara de todos estos problemas de limitacion y del jeugo, yo dispuesto a pagar los busque super rapido y fui a casa de Pepe para hacer eso rapido.

Era el mismo plan, El contacto de argentina entraba a mi cuenta, tranferia el dinero y me quitaba la limitacion, luego por medio de mi amigo con paypal le iba a pagar los diez dolares. Hasta aquí el plan iba perfecto.

Pero como nada es tan fácil como parece se interpuso un GRAN problema.

El contacto entro, transfirió una parte del dinero, pero cuando iba a añadir la otra parte mi cuenta de steam en argentina se bloqueo porque no llevaba mucho tiempo creada, al yo ver que esto habia pasado senti que me moria, me empezo a doler la cabeza, me sentia mareado, casi muero por ser tan exagerado.

Pepe me decia que me calmara que con mandarle una carta de solicitud de ayuda a steam esto se resolveria, pero yo seguia pensando en que habia perdido diez dolares y mi cuenta de steam en argentina que tanto me costo conseguir, mi cabeza se lleno de angutia y estres, pero no podia hacer mas nada que esperar.

Y es lo que sigo haciendo, no hemos tenido respuesta de que la hayan leído, pero como sigo de negativo y de exagerado siento que perdi todo.

Pero repito, no puedo hacer mas nada que esperar. Esperar a que amanezca y veremos si responden.

Nota mental, no estresarme por cosas tan absurdas y tampoco confiar en Pepe.

Muchas gracias por leer mi post que tener un buen día.



I hope at some point to stop being so dramatic and exaggerated, this story I will tell you is for humor, but it is something that just happened to me.

I had been wanting to play a game with a friend for several days, but I needed to have an account in Steam to be able to buy the game, but it was more complicated than just saying it, the issue was that for a game to cost me less I needed to have the Steam account registered in Argentina, this made me remember that my best friend who is from Argentina could create it for me, but he is a very busy person in life who loves to sleep and play League of Legends. I was several days insisting him to create the account and he always forgot, so I stopped bothering him and tried to use a VPN, the VPN worked great, but it had a time of use that was about twenty minutes, in those twenty minutes my internet started to fail more than ever, so I left the minutes and I did nothing.

I had to bother my friend again, until he finally agreed to create my account, everything went well, so much so that he told me he would give me the game, I was happier than a kid on Christmas, but while we were creating the account he had bought a game, so I had to wait for the next day to make another transaction (I don't know, something personal of him).

I was super happy with my account in Argentina, I downloaded Brawlhalla to continue with my personal challenge of beating the expert bot, no matter the region, I still sucked at the game.

The next day I couldn't stop thinking about it, but I was also thinking about removing the limitation of Steam to be able to add friends, having the argentinian account I was thinking.

If my friend transfers me the equivalent of five dollars in Argentinean pesos I can remove the limitation and buy the game, after a friend who has PayPal transfers the five dollars to my best friend, I would pay the five dollars in cash to my friend who had PayPal, ready and simple.

That's what I thought.

All day my friend did not connect and I am VERY IMPATIENT, so I got in touch with another friend (this third friend is very important in the story so we will call him Pepe not to call him friend) who had a contact of someone in Argentina who works with that kind of thing. We got down to work with that, it turns out that it would no longer be five dollars, I had to pay ten to the contact to take care of all these problems of limitation and the game, I was willing to pay them super fast and went to Pepe's house to do that fast.

It was the same plan, the contact from Argentina entered my account, transferred the money and removed the limitation, then through my friend with PayPal I was going to pay him the ten dollars. Up to this point the plan was going perfect.

But as nothing is as easy as it seems, there was a BIG problem.

The contact came in, transferred a part of the money, but when I was going to add the other part my Steam account in Argentina was blocked because it had not been created for a long time, when I saw that this had happened I felt like I was dying, my head started to hurt, I felt dizzy, I almost died for being so exaggerated.

Pepe was telling me to calm down that with sending a letter of request of help to Steam this would be solved, but I was still thinking that I had lost ten dollars and my account of Steam in Argentina that so much cost me to obtain, my head was filled with anguish and stress, but I could not do anything more than to wait.

And that's what I'm still doing, we haven't had any answer that they have read it, but as I'm still negative and exaggerated I feel that I lost everything.

But I repeat, I can do nothing but wait. Wait for the sun to rise and we will see if they respond.

Mental note, not to stress about such absurd things and not to trust Pepe either.

Thank you very much for reading my post have a nice day.