Did you get your Stimulus Check yet?

in GEMS4 years ago

The stimulus checks are rolling out here in the US, did you get yours yet?

The Treasury said that they would be sending out stimulus checks to Americans starting April 9th.

The vast majority of the checks are expected to go out on April 15th for those that have their bank information on file with the IRS...

(Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2020/04/10/irs-finally-launches-registration-tool-for-stimulus-checks/)

The final amounts are somewhat smaller than some of the initial proposed amounts, but the final totals are $1,200 for qualifying adults and $500 for each child.

If you haven't gotten it yet, what do you plan do with your check when you do get it?

Luckily for me, I am in a position where I won't need the stimulus money to pay for the bare necessities, at least not for some time, so I may have some options as far as what that money will be used for...

What about you?

Stay informed my friends.



Mine is pending in my bank account. I do my taxes pretty early and use direct deposit for reference. I'm using a 1/3 to buy crypto, 1/3 for stocks and the last 1/3 is going into the bank.

I talked to someone that got it already.
Almost seems like they might be sending checks top down to higher incomes first.

Personally I did my taxes at the last second so I don't know how long it will take.

I have not even started my taxes. Hoping I can still receive the check sooner rather than until I complete this year's taxes.

I'm still waiting for the Trump Airdrop, but I will be using those funds to fix my car.