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RE: Light in the darkness

in GEMS4 years ago

Beautiful chandeliers! Thank you for sharing your rant, and may I say it is refreshing to read some discussion of the virus that does not include ridiculous theories about how Bill Gates is attempting to depopulate the world and other such nonsense. (I hate Bill Gates because of Windows software, I don't need some b.s. reason!)

Here on Vancouver Island we have been spared the worst of this plague. Currently two people are hospitalized and we have had five deaths. Masks are not mandatory here but I do wear one when I have to enter a grocery store or pharmacy... otherwise I walk around without a mask but I'm careful to stay a couple of yards away from people I pass on the street. Things are beginning to open up here, so perhaps we are seeing some light in the darkness! Voted & shared :-)


Thanks and yes maybe that was what spurred my rant getting sick of all the crazy theories people are spreading

Glad its not to bad there and I hope it does return to normal for you soon,I think its going to be a while before we get there