Take care of nature for future generations

in GEMS3 years ago

Hi everybody.

I hope you and your family are in good health and well.

Life is full of twists and turns, obstacles after obstacles keep blocking,
Like the air I don't want to breathe, it's getting tighter day by day.

The green grass that once swayed now seemed powerless, fallen leaves scattered on the ground, which was becoming barren and arid day by day.

The life I used to live was so different from the life now.
The air was so hot that it could dry up the leaves that had just fallen to the ground and burn them dry.

People's faces stare so blankly, there is no hope left in the future, only destruction is left, is this what is called life?
Thousands of questions arise that are implied in the heart.

So bitter, so difficult, so steep, that even nature began to refuse to be friendly with us.

When will humans come to their senses? Do you have to wait until nature spills all its contents? Will we be aware when nature begins to disappear from this life?
Do you think? Children and grandchildren are still waiting there, don't let him breathe the air that is so bad and toxic because of what we are not good at protecting nature.

Take a look at some of these photos, is it appropriate for us to make nature so dirty and shabby like this.












May we be aware and love this nature as we love ourselves.

Love Nature, love nature and take care of nature for the life of our next generation.!

All pictures using smartphone camera.