My Pet Peeves

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

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It's my day 6 of 30-Day Blogging Challenge by @tegoshei. The topic is about my pet peeves. Initially, I was thinking about what to write when I always get annoyed at small things. I started with the word rude. Rude is a broad word, to begin with. Then, I tried sorting it out and my pet peeves were rushing through my mind.

So these are my pet peeves:

1. Boorish Public Smoker

Photo by Rahul

People who smoke around non-smokers are a pain in the ass. Even if I am not asthmatic, I would still get mad at those smokers who smoke in public. My friends know I hate when someone smokes in front of me. I appreciate it if distance is observed and then chew something after smoking. The after smell in their breath is also awful.

Second-hand smoking is more dangerous than first hand. A smoker should have known that. Or, they know and yet, they are inconsiderate to the non-smoker! Some drivers smoke even with a "No Smoking" sign. For the passengers, they have seen the sign yet they are smoking, as if they are blind enough not to see the sign and the people covering their nose.

There's one time while I was waiting for the green light, a smoke hit directly to my face. I inhaled almost all the smoke that I choked, coughed, and then I had an asthma attack for a week.

2. People who stare and look at me from head to foot.

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Staring is rude. Looking at me from head to foot is ruder. The rudest is the combo, staring at me after looking from head to foot. This irritates me a lot. I observe at first with my peripheral vision and if they don't stop, I look up with my eyebrow tip almost reaching my hairline.

Golden rule: "Do not do to others what you do not want others to do unto you."

There was a time that even if I look up, they even stared at me more with a smirk on their face. This time I constantly disregarded the golden rule and stared back. I make sure I will not be the one to back down first.

3. Pervert

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I have encountered countless of maniac people. The thought of these people victimizing women or even children sickens me! This kind of incident repeatedly happened in a jeepney or on a bus full of standing passengers. I don't jump to the conclusion on the first touch. At first, I'm considering if it is by accident. Second, I'll try to block it until the last drop of my patience and understanding. If it doesn't stop, I grab my sword keychain out of my backpack. I make sure that it is loud enough to hear these words, "If you don't stop, this mini sword will be put into good use.". I don't want to make a scene, so I always do this to scare them.

I also experienced this on a bus. I was in standing position, same with the girl and the guy. The guy kept on pushing himself to the girl. I observed at first. I didn't want to make a scene, but I grabbed the girl beside me and warned the guy. My conscience wouldn't allow me to put to sleep if I just brushed it off.

4. People who litter.

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Is it hard to comprehend Clean As You Go? Or, is it hard to throw your trash on the trash can that is just a few meters away from you? If trash is nowhere to be seen, is it extremely heavy to keep it momentarily in your pocket or your bag?

What annoys me more is even though I reprimanded this kind of people, they would merely stare at me and then walked away! Worst, they just go as if they didn't see nor hear me. How fancy one dresses up yet a simple clean as you go or throw your trash in the garbage can is hard to follow.

I had this encounter in a 24-hr convenience store near my apartment. The girl in front of me bought one drink. After the item was punched, she drank it right away. The cashier prompted her to receive her receipt. She grabbed the receipt and threw it on the floor. I told her, "Miss! That is not a trash can!". She didn't bother looking at me and continued walking. After I was entertained, I walked through to that girl and told her, "His arms and ears are useless.". I know it's bad, but it annoys me this kind of person.

5. Rude customers

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The customer is always right, as they say. But if a customer is shouting or harassing a staff, would it still be under the customer is always right rule? For me, it's a big no! The staff also has a right, a right to be undegraded, and a right to defend himself/herself. This kind of customer gets on my nerves all the time.

6 Ungrateful people
7 Grammar correctors
8 Line drifters
9 Aggressive interrupters
10 The know-it-alls
11 Drivers who don't brake in the pedestrian lane and for animals.
12 People who don't know how to return my books with the same condition when borrowed.
13 People who swear a lot.
14 Customers (boys) who call my mother "Mama" whenever I'm in our eatery.
15 Jeepney passenger who don't pass nor accept the fare.

People around me will know when I am annoyed. Even a stranger could distinguish the annoyance in my face because of my left eyebrow that involuntary lifts. My boyfriend's role is to pull me out in the scene to prevent confrontation.

My Introduction to the Hive Community: Hello again!
Day 1 of 30: Story Behind My Username
Day 2 of 30: Ten Random Facts About Me
Day 3 of 30: My Day in Detail: Just an Ordinary Working Day
Day 4 of 30: A Decade to More
Day 5 of 30: What I Am Afraid Of


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The third one actually leans more towards the "crime" category, in my opinion.

You really thought hard putting this list together, haven’t you? I got a few in common. Albeit, this one will be hard for me.

It is. Hehe. But there are plenty of #3 who are roaming around and can't easily be imprisoned. Like for example, when you're riding on a fully-loaded bus. You will barely notice their intention and their malicious acts because they act in rhythm with the bus' movements. I can't categorize or refer them as mild perverts. Perverts are perverts.

This topic is hard. I think almost all irritates me (hah!) and only five are asked. I'm excited to read your entry!

You got a long list of pet peeves, but I couldn't agree more with all of them. xD

Yes! And there's more. Hahaha. Twice nako nagmodify saimu challenge. Couldn't help but to list more than five. Hehe

No worries! mas nice nuon na... express yourself more and enjoy writing! It's one of the goals of this challenge, to allow people to express. People are discovering themselves more. ☺