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RE: GROW FOOD NOT LAWNS (photography): harvest is growing!

in GEMS3 years ago

I have a few tomato plants but they are indoors. We moved and don't have a garden yet! The plants are inside to protect them from the #chickenbitchez hahahaa!! The chickens are loving their new home here and I'm free ranging them full time.

When I finally do have gardens again, I will fence in the gardens instead of fencing in the chickens like I did at the old place :))))

Until then I will be living vicariously through everyone else! I appreciate the tag Talia <3


ah, a new home? I hope it will be even betetr than the previous one!
no garden, but the #chickenbitchez are anywhere and anywhen:)))
how do you grow tomatoes indoor? they need so much space. or you have a big big house?:)