in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


Since I got into nootropics, I read many negative opinion and voice about the use of "smart drug" or known as nootropic. Many skeptics tried to think that smart drug only offers placebo effects without proven result. Not to mention, some sentiment regarding taking it. "Smart drug isn't the answer", " stop relying to drugs", " you are ruining your life", "you'll get addicted", " you're an addict" and many more. Even saying you're taking a "smart drug" will make someone raise their eyebrow.There are only a few who are confidently saying they use it to enhance their life. How do you think there are many high-performance people these days? it's all partly thanks to the interest on biohacking. Many high performers I know use smart drugs to enhance their life and overall performance. Because, it works. It fucking works.


source : unsplash. I don't take that, it's only illustration.

Nootropics is not limited to only pharmaceutical options. There are natural options that are friendly in the long term with minimize side effects. Without knowing, if you take caffeine, you're also taking one part of nootropics family.

My experience with nootropics started after I got a traumatic brain injury. I was prescribed with bunch of strange things that later I found were all nootropics. Right after the accident, I was not the same person as I used to. I had trouble with verbal skill, memory and all aspects that I used to be good at. It sent me into a life of despair; a young bright kid was suddenly not bright anymore especially with zero attention span. There I was, studying in one of prestigious college but with different brain capacity and skills. Life was tough and I couldn't even admit something changed in me.

Long short, When I got into cryptocurrency I was introduced to more doors of nootropics. I know that often cryptoworld is synonymous with drugs, which is I found quite true. Since then,I've noticed tremendous change in me. I was less suicidal and happier. I managed to interact with people more and was very sociable. I could go outside without feeling trauma and could actually enjoy being outside. I also started traveling more which was quite surprising.

Taking nootropics is synonymous with more money for me.

Taking nootropics is unlocking so many potentials that I have. When I regularly take it, I am limitless. Talk to me about science,art to philosophy, I am all ears. I can even read several papers and was able to retell it and make others feel excited about it. Making money was easier because I wouldn't stuck with my lazy and shitty personalities. I know, my brain is impaired and I need a crutch. I found nootropics to be the crutch that helps me talk and socialize.

Until I stopped taking it

I stopped taking nootropics after I had some battles. I met some people who later becomes my ex friends and doesn't want to know the history of my life. They think I was just some of drug addict because I take nootropics. " You don't need it" they said. So I did some reflections. How many people out there are actually taking it? is it acceptable to take it?Why do I need a crutch? what if I stopped taking it?

So, I stopped taking it.

I got on and off my nootropics regime and even the prescribed nootropics. I feel like I would do well without it. I did not acknowledge the thing that happened to my brain for a while. Until some sort of awakening that I actually need it. That I found people I admire such as Tim ferris use smart drug to enhance his life and performance. That is it actually acceptable to use it and people hide the fact that they use it too.

I am finally coming into terms that my brain needs it and in order to have a normal life, that's what it takes. Nootropics help me with motivation, working out, focus, memory and many other things that I wouldn't be able to do if I wasn't on them. I may sound like an addict but my brain injury has caused some limitations and the need to have a crutch. If you have a healthy brain, it may works differently. Our brain is unique, complicated and fascinating. But with this, I finally come in peace and won't shy if ever I become successful in some fields, it's all thanks to my nootropics regimen.

I am also catching up with neuropharmacology

Yes, I am also studying that on the side. It helps me understand better about brain and medications for brain. Thanks to accessible information and research, there are many studies around it that's invaluable. I know I am not going to magically be an MD but at least, I know what I take, the side effects and the dosage that should be taken. So that's my story that I want to share. I share this because I was inspired by Tim ferris Video on Smart drugs since it said people keep asking him all the time. Video below if you want to watch.

~ signing out


What side effects have you noticed?

Side effects depends on combination that you're taking. For instance, a combination of racetam with caffeine may trigger headache if not supplemented by Choline (eggs is the biggest source of it).

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