Hive Creative Contest - A Glamorous Car

in GEMS4 years ago


For this fun contest, I took my pencil and my daughter's markers to draw one of the cars that I liked the most in my childhood, the car of Penelope Glamour, a character that appeared in the cartoon series "Wacky Races"), produced by the animation studio Hanna-Barbera Productions. If I were a car I would like to be that one, a very feminine pink car with accessories to put on makeup and a beautiful umbrella to protect my owner from the sun.


I chose to be this car because when I went to work I did not have time to get ready, I had to make breakfast, make lunch, and my leave my daughter at school, every morning was very chaotic and I am sure that many mothers identify with me. I did my hair and makeup in the car, I would have liked to have a car like Penelope Glamour's.

As a car, my owner is a self-confident, professional, and independent woman, mother of two girls. When she goes to work, she doesn't have to time to put on her makeup, so I do it for her when she climbs into my seat as well as comb her hair so that she always looks beautiful wherever she goes, nothing increases the self-esteem of a woman more than being groomed and glamorous.


When I go down the road with my owner I am a car that reflects both beauty and functionality, make no mistake about me, not only am I a beautiful car but I am also very intelligent, very resourceful and kind-hearted, I know how to take care of myself on the road of others cars that want to get me out of the way.

I had a lot of fun drawing and imagining that I am that car, although I am not very good but drawing it reminded me of my inner girl. Thanks @zord189.


I am pleased to participate once again in this week's contest Hive Creative Contest | If I Were A Car (Contest Details) sponsored by our friend @zord189


¡Era mi comiquita preferida! Los autos locos..! Recuerdo a Penélope siempre huyendo de Pier y con pulgoso de compañía..! Tu dibujo me hizo recordar las tardes interminables de vacaciones donde veíamos estas y otras comiquitas...genial tu dibujo, me gustó..! Saludos..!

Firma Fermionico 3.png

A mí también me gustaba mucho y no me la perdía. ¡será que se nos cayó la cedula?, jajajajja. Que buenos tiempos aquellos. Abrazos.