The Brief : Nelson Mandela political leader and pacifist. Project HOPE Community contest.

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Welcome to my blog

This time I join the challenge of the @project.hope community sponsored contest, creating an article about a great leader.

Make references to some leader, the character that comes to mind and that I admire is Nelson Mandela , he was a South African activist, lawyer and politician of the XX and XXI centuries, who fought for 67 years to achieve his dreams of seeing his country . free and freed from racial inequality. Why does this great man come to my mind? He fought tirelessly for racial segregation and the fight for social equality in South Africa, he fought for democracy, where injustice and discrimination reigned in his country for many years, managing to overcome all those adversities.


This man is admired around the world for being the first black president, he took up this challenge, fought tirelessly to achieve his dreams, and fought for equality in his country. Despite the adversities and his constant peaceful struggle, his optimism, his desire to help his country made him a leader. His struggle was constant and he never wavered. He defended and fought for the rights of children and adolescents, the right to education, the right to have a family, etc. His people saw him as a hero, which made him democratically elected in 1994 as president of his country. This man eliminated the system of racial segregation established by the apartheid segregationist regime, imposed by the white minority, where racism was established.

All these characteristics described by me about this great man are his qualities and attributes that highlight him and it is his credential, his identification and his accreditation that makes him distinguish himself and excel as a great leader. It is an example of pacifist political leadership.

It obtained several distinctions:

Year (1989) Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights, (1990) Lenin Peace Prize, (1992) Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation, (1993) Nobel Peace Prize , (1999) Presidential Medal of Freedom.


It has inspired me because I admire him for his gallantry, his constancy, perseverance, his courage, that patience that characterized him, his constant struggle and work to defend his country and defend the human rights, democracy and peace of his real people. It is worthy of admiration, it is and was a symbol of freedom. Where injustice transformed it into a tool for overcoming.

Thanks for reading me


Tremendo personaje seleccionaste, y lo plasmaste fielmente. Nelson el pacifista. Nadie ha luchado tanto por la democracia y la igualdad de la raz que este hombre.

Thanks for your entry to this competition.

Nelson Mandela is a great example of a leader. His perseverance and integrity were amazing. Plus his devotion to his country.

Right choice here. Leadership is key in his lifestyle.

You chose a wonderful character.
He is a great example for all men and women in the world.

In another aspect; I see that you are from Cumaná. Me too, so we are neighbors. Greetings!