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RE: Ode to Cynthia (Mike Oldfield Music Cover) and Mythology of the Moon Deities (Artemis, Cynthia, Diana, Selene, Luna)

in GEMS3 years ago

Interesting,love reading and listening to myth.
According to my own little understanding, myth are stories formulated with human idea to explain some things expecially when it comes to ancient things, not that real.

I've once heard about the mythology of moon, Cynthia being regard as the goddess of moon was because of how the moon look like and it's cycle.

But I know nothing about Hesperus that sing for the goddess of the moon (Cynthia) think I learnt something new today.

I love the vfx you used here, making it to look outstanding and unique, wish I learnt it too, practice makes perfect.

Well done !👌


Yes, of course most folklore relies on how things were interpreted, still I find them beautiful in their context. I don't see fairies in my garden but I love fairytales and I kind of understand they were made as ambiguous interpretations of the natural forces. Glad you enjoyed the video and yes, practise makes perfect though I'm glad to say next videos are simple so I can take a break. Besides studying how to do it my computer was at its limit of capacity to handle the files, but it was good practise.