😭😒 Story Of My Life As A Husband,Dad And A Farmer. Please, We Need The HELP Of Hive Community || My Wife Had A Fire Scorch By GAS EXPLOSION 😭😭.

in GEMS β€’ last year (edited)


Hello Hivers πŸ’•πŸ’˜,

This is a sad story of myself and also my family it has not been easy for the past few days where we had an explosion in our residential house. What really happened was that the gas exploded and my wife was drastically injured and affected. I was far away from home for work when I had this emergency call from my in-law because my wife could not handle a mobile phone to call me. The explosion affected from the leg to the head. I did not take some pictures due to the internet wrongs but I was able to take some for reference purposes and also because of this article. Initially my two little girls with their mum were inside the kitchen making the dinner for the family but the spirit told their mum to lead the children to the bedroom first. Before she could open her eyes they were already laid on the bed and asleep. Went out back to continue what she was doing in the kitchen not knowing the gas will explode. She light up the gas which we have been using it for several years up to this present time and fortunately for her the gas exploded immediately she light up the matches. What I think instantly was that maybe the gas was not a pure One or a mixed gas. For several hours I was confused instantly I rushed back home to see my wife on the floor lying down alone.

Immediately I saw her I couldn't do anything but also went down for some minutes. I went inside the bedroom to check on our kids and I found them sleeping. It was just the miracle incident. Thank God she's alive but she needs our help and support as a family. I couldn't hold up but busted into tears for several hours until the next day she was feeling pain and crying. Update this present time I'm writing this at school she cannot work so they recommended crutches for her. Big ass explosion affected her natural hair, thank god she did not make any artificial or fixed hair, it would have been a worse fire accident I've ever seen. It affected her eyelashes. Burnt it down and her arms too. I took some pictures for evidence to show this is real. I have never come out to talk about this for so many years but please we need your support. Nothing is too small or too big. I already sold my shoes and wears instantly but the bills keep increasing everyday. So down right now please we need your support as one family.

  • These are the present medicine we already purchased and with the look of things it's so much expensive for those who actually go through fire burns will definitely know what exactly I'm talking about. I have never experienced this in my life and also I have never seen anyone even more close to me having such before but this happened to my family. To my wife to be precise. It very sad that all the feet had already been affected. I place a lot of pictures in this article for clarification purposes and also to see for ourselves that the injury is more than minor. This was what we did not pray for as individual families but as it is I really need our help and support. I went round to seek for funds but at the moment all my effort is in vain. I went to do close relatives and friends but it nothing to write home about. People are not ready to help me all my family but I know that people here also are my family members too and also my love ones as Hive Blockchain family. PLEASE I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE AND SUPPORT TO HELP ME WIFE GET UP AGAIN IN SICK BED




  • This is all the Sorframycin looks like and this is my first time of seeing it in my life. This alone cost #15,000 Nigeria currency. 24.84 United States Dollar. Due to the price in dollar fluctuation. Please ask for is for our help and support.
















This was when the dressing of the wound was being done few hours ago in pains. Just some few drugs alone cost more than #20,000 Nigeria currency. She finishes a packet in 3 days. Please we need your support.











  • This is how the burns is at the moment. I have never seen this damage in human part before but now you can see that the damage caused by the fire is beyond the mouth and imagination of the thoughts. I was not happy taking these pictures at first but when the bills of the hospital is beyond my power and my immediate family power then I completed my mind to come out with this article. It's very painful to the heart seeing your love ones this way since the incident happened I cry every minute. I've never seen a woman parts skin this light way but thank God
    the skin is not to damage.




When the incident happened gathered some few money to buy some few drugs out of so many in the description notes. We had to get out of the hospital to our own residential house where her mum who also is a medical personnel also assist in treating the wound. I'm so speechless because even when I was in the school or growing up I never see body the part like this way. Please we need your support the Hive community. Nothing is too small or too big. I've even sold some of my wear and shoes as to raise some funds.










Please I call on hundreds of people reading this article to please support my family members. I will like to mention few names I'm even confused but sorry for tagging you up. Help a family. @theycallmedan , @canadian-coconut, @resonator, @broncnutz,@fulltimegeek, @trafalgar, @acidyo @azircon, @dswigle, @ranchorelaxo, @appreciator,@usainvote, @diggndepepr.com, @yabapmatt, @gtg, @abit, @adm, @bdvoter, @xeldal, @enki, @vancouverdining, @newhope, @balte,@stoodkev, @edicted , @hanshotfirst, @oflyhigh, @magicmonk, @slobberchops, @daveks, @geekgirl, @redes , @tarazkp, @kommienezuspadt and more.

I'm not happy at all. Please help my Life. Our life 😭😭. You can also support us with your upvote. All the rewards goes to my wife medically.

  • Reblog And Support Please. Nothing Is Too small. You can also help with HIVE and HBD... Gracias. Thank you all.

Thanks So Much In Anticipation For Your Huge Help And Support.

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@broncnutz Thanks my big brother.

Im glad i could help just a little. I feel horrible for you and your family. Sending prayers your way. πŸ™

Thanks so much sir.

@stickupcurator thanks for checking and being supportive to my family. Thanks so much. God bless.

@slobberchops Thanks So Much for the support. God bless your home too. Amen.

It's so sad hearing about it and more if we could see it in front of our eyes and much more if it happen to our family. Praying for healing and comfort especially for your wife and may God touch everyone's heart to help you and provide all your needs.

Amen. Thanks so much @jenthoughts I really appreciate your support. Gracias.

I tried to post it on hiveph community at discord, hopefully many will help.

Thanks for the multiple outlets. I'm grateful.

Oh my, it looks very painful for your wife! I pray for a speedy recovery. It is a good thing she has you to help dress the wounds.

Yes. My prayers for quick recovery and healing. Thanks for the concern. I'm so grateful.

I am so sorry to hear about your wife! What a nightmare for both of you. I have to believe that God is watching over you at this time. There is so much that needs to be done, for sure, and proper care is absolutely necessary.

God Bless your family. Please take care and keep us updated.

Sending love your way!

I'm so grateful @dswigle thanks for coming to our aid. I'm so speechless. Thanks again.

It's not much, but, hopefully, it will help some.

Absolutely. You are the best πŸ’•

May God heal you brethren

Amen. Thanks so much. Thanks for your support too. I'm so speechless.

So sorry, I can't even try to imagine the pain she's in
May God heal her completely.

I hope you get enough support that you need to get through this πŸ™

Amen. I'm so unhappy. The pain is more than words to explain. I also cry alongside because its unbearable.

I think you can't use your gas tank if it's too old already. You said that you guys have been using your gas tank for several years already. If the gas tank is too old, I think you need to change it and buy a new one because you can't see inside if it's still clean or not. I don't know, but that's what I read when I saw a post about a similar thing that happened to a wife in a social media post.

I hope your wife gets better soon! I'm sorry if I can't give anything but pray for her recovery. πŸ™

Yes. We will have a change of the Gas Tank immediately. Thanks for your prayers too.

It’s very sad that she has to go through this. Sending your family lots of love and prayers. Speedy recovery β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή to her.

Thanks for the prayers. I'm so grateful

You’re welcome

Very sad to hear and see. I pray that God gives your wife a speedy recovery. And solve all your problems

Amen. Thanks for the support

Ouchhhh! This must be a very tough experience.

May the help you and your family need come to you. God will see you and your family through. I pray for a quick recovery.


I am so sorry to hear about your wife! It is like a bad dream, but it isn't!!!
Don't lose faith in God! And take care of your wife!!!
Sending some love your way!
Please, do keep us updated.

Thanks so much my friend. Its not a dream at all. I thought I was dreaming too until I saw her laid on the floor after the explosion. Thanks for the support.

Awww... you welcome. It isn't much.
Take care.

I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks πŸ™

@broncnutz Thanks So Much. I am really grateful. My family says. We are grateful sir.

so sorry to hear!! I hope your wife gets better very soon!!

@tipu curate

Amen. Thanks so much.

Holly f...!!!! It breaks my heart! I'm really very sorry for this, may your wife have a fast recovery and without too much pain 😭😭

Thanks for your concern and prayers. Amen.

@deeanndmathews. I'm so grateful. God bless you More and also put smile on your face. Amen

Amen and Amen!

ThatΒ΄s bad. So sorry to hear!! Hope she feels better soon. !PIZZA

Thanks πŸ™


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@ravenmus1c(6/20) tipped @mattsanthonyit

Oh my God, this is so painful to read, I can only imagine what you and your family must be going through. I sincerely wish her a speedy recovery and pray that all the help you guys need will locate. !luv

Thanks so much. I really appreciate your concern and comment.

You are welcome, be strong for your dear wife❀

Thanks πŸ™

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oh damn!! holy crap

wish you all the best!

maybe a few amount of DMSO to help it heal ?

Thanks for the concern and your well wishes too. Yes. We already using hydrogen peroxide with Soframycin for the dressing.

hydrogen peroxide is already very good, similar to CDS (chlorine dioxide)
but I mean DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide)
which is like a transport matrix, boosting Metabolism and the accessibility of the problem area as well as the self-healing powers of the body.

just be careful to not get anything bad near it after applied DMSO
cuz it will also transport that into the body..
goes even so far that when the skin is still wet from DMSO and you put on cloth/ tshirt, it will suck the color from the cloth into your body/skin
not good

so it is very powerful, just be careful and work clean

@anggreklestari thanks so much. May God reward you more. I'm so Thankful.

Please be patience to take of her and your child. πŸ‘

Yes. I will. Thanks again.

My prayers are with you and your wife :( I do hope she's feeling better soon, and that you have enough for medical supplies.

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Amen. Thanks for the support. Thanks for the prayers too. I'm so grateful.

I am so sorry to hear that. I hope and wish your wife get really well soon. I really realize that it hurts a lot, I hope your wife and you are also strong to face it.

Thanks for your comment and concern. I'm so grateful.

Oh my God.
Very sorry for what happened.
I pray quick recovery for your wife

Thanks so much. Amen.

It's sad to hear about this,and I can't even imagine the pain. I pray God heal her completely soon. Ameen.

Amen. The pain is much. Every dressing each day more pains. Thanks for your concern.

My God 😭😭 I can't even imagine the pain your wife must be feeling right now, and yours to see her like this.

I am very afraid of gas cylinders precisely because of this.

I'm so sorry that happened to her, I hope she recovers very soon both physically and mentally. πŸ˜“πŸ™πŸ»

Thanks so much for the comment. Mt sister, I have never experienced this at all. I haven't seen people like this in my entire life. I'm 34 and yes. Its absolutely strange to me. But God really spare her life for us all.

@ranchorelaxo. Thanks for the huge surprise and support too. May you never see this kind of bad experience in your life time and your family members too. I'm so grateful. Thanks alot.

@demotruk thanks so much sir. I'm so grateful for what you have done in my family's life. Most grateful sir.

I pray for you and you family.

Amen. Thanks for the prayers.

@resonator God bless you for me. Amen.

Oh no! Sorry to hear about what you are going through. Rising above this challenge isn't easy but we just have to hold on to our faith in God who is always mindful of His children. I will include you in my prayers that God will provide you with ways and means that can help you in this time of need.

Thanks so much @lytha for your prayers and concern. I'm so grateful. Amen.

We are deeply sorry for such a devastating thing. Thankfully, the kids are fine and safe. It can only be God.

We pray that your wife recuperates fast, gets all she needs for the quick recovery, and you all can smile again as a happy family.

Thanks @hive-naija God bless you more and make us stronger the more. Thanks for the huge surprise and support too. Its hasn't been easy sleeping, eating and moving around but God is our strength. Thanks again. God bless us all.

I wish your wife speedy recovery!❀️

Amen. Thanks for the best wishes.

I'm very sorry to read this, I hope for a good recovery..


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Thanks πŸ™. God bless you more

@kommienezuspadt , thanks for the Huge support for my family. We are grateful for all.

@anhdaden146 Thanks So Much for your help and support for my family. God bless you.

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Uuuppss!!! This is indeed sympathetic, so sorry for casualty, hope she heals very fast with the application of the antibiotics

@smooms. I'm so grateful

This is so sad. Hoping and praying for your wife's fast recovery.

Thanks for your prayer support.

So sorry for happened I pray for you and your family that the Lord will supplies your needs according to his riches in glory he will send help from above. I wish her quick recovery

Amen. Thanks so much.

@yunnie Thanks so much. I pray that you will never lack good things Amen. God bless you more for me.

This is so sad. I'm praying for a quick recovery πŸ™

Thanks so much. I'm so grateful for your prayers

omg this is terrible. How is she healing now? Sending good vibes your way.

There is always a saying that, May we not see or confront what will reduce our lifespan or even looking at it from a glance. Also, May we not see things that will change our entire life in a negative way. Everything that happened was within a second. A winkle of an eye. It was full of Burns. She is doing great but we are on regular checkup weekly.

good to hear! thanks for letting me know

I pray for quick recovery Sir.