in GEMS4 months ago

Since the day we born we start to observe things in our surroundings and its scientifically proven fact child learn more from visualizing rather than teaching.

During this observation period we observe many things, some are good and leave a positive impact on us while few are bad.

When it comes to leaving a positive impact, there are many experiences which can do so, one of which are humans.


And the day we observe something positive in a person we make that person the inspiration of our life and want to follow what they are doing. Since I join Ecency i also have inspirational person who help me out everywhere I need them.



I am inspired from all the curators whether it's about quality of their posts or their nature they all are unique and perfect in their own ways

But there is a thing that you don't follow everyone, you have to choose one.

For me that one is @dlmmqb. As a newbie his writings really inspired me. His posts really could give a sense of being at a place itself.


As time goes on, I learn that he is a man who lives in the "fictional world," a character that every female looks up to, in addition to being a writer of fiction. He is having a good relationship with everyone making a calm effort to explain things to others.


Despite having a rigorous study schedule and sister wedding at home, making time for hive maintenance. It's not easy to check every post and recognize excellent content writers, but he's doing a great job at it.

When it comes to hive member first need to consider that what actually this platform demands from us and who is giving it the best whom we need to get inspired from.

What I learn about Ececny myself is it

Ececny demands two things from us quality & loyalty.


Choosing Qasim as an inspirational person had a specific reason behind it.

As a human its the fact that we gave preference to something and not to other. Same goes with ecencians we all have our own favorite communities. As for me its @ladiesofhive @freewrite @theinkwell. You might be different from me liking nature or science fiction. It depends on interest.

But for Qasim this is not the case. I am inspired from his diversity in knowledge. Its rare that he don't have knowledge about any subject.


I always love his fictional stories and characters. His motivational words had ability to touch the heart. In short I observe diversity which I want to adapt too.

Not only post he heart too to worth appreciate of always being helping hand without accepting the something in return is not the thing we neglect.

@dlmmqb you are the BEST part of my "few weeks" ececny journey.

Do you have any inspirational person on this platform??


I am not even close to my inspiration thekittygirl! She is the best!

You are also best !!!

It's three months since I came to Hive and I've learned a lot and made a lot of mistakes in that time. But I learned from those mistakes. I learned a lot from almost everyone at Hive Pakistan

Same, as you already know i'm new at ecency
i also face alot of complications an learn many lessons

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