My Oil Painting Timelapse from Perth Ontario, in Canada

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

This is an Oil painting Timelapse I made.

It is from a small river that runs through Perth Ontario Canada. We were there the 1st week of January and I took several photos and videos of our walks with Lola, our Golden Retriever Puppy.

Step 1: I start by painting the entire canvas with a burnt Siena ... then quickly block in a few shapes of the rock outcrops in the snow ...


Step 2: I add more snow, rocks and trees on the Horizon line.


Step 3: I add the reflections in the water in the foreground


Step 4: I add the sky and more details.


It is really Interesting to take photos of the steps since I can go back myself and see if there are places I could have stopped painting. Sometimes if I work too long on a painting I muddy the colours. I need to paint quickly as a practice for when I am out painting in the kayak or in the Forest where the flies are really bad.

Let me know what you think of my painting in the comments below. I spend a lot of time looking for music to add to my video and might change that up too.

Here Is a very short video from our day in Perth.... just to give you an idea of what the river is like there in winter. It is a very pretty town here in Eastern Ontario.


Cool painting! My wife and I ordered some canvases and acrylic paints on amazon. Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow or the day after, it's a great time to do some art when you are locked in the house.

I think everyone will be doing a lot more painting and other crafts during this potential year long Lock down.

This turned out great! I really need to up my game, lol.

Ha ha... thanks. I think your mountain painting was awesome. Do some Timelapse videos with music ... it is so much fun... then you can go back and see areas where you could have stopped, my problem is overworking a painting.