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RE: Add a Bit of Citrus to Your Life

in GEMS3 years ago

I guess I just go old skool and put in enough lemon juice to curl your hair, then about a quarter pond of sweetener. Both sweet and sour hit your taste buds and they just do cartwheels! Love it!


Old school would be squeezing by hand. I saw your video with that bottled lemon stuff. Which I used to use.

Sure, it’s practically the same—but anyone would know it’s not the real thing. The stuff you squeeze by hand has less time to oxidize and no funny preservatives, which means its flavor is brighter and more pronounced compared to the bitter or muted bottled versions.

Now, I just pick up a lemon every time I go to the grocery. LOL Cartwheels. I will come up and film that just to see that happen. :))

Have a great night!