They want me to do gymnastics in a mask!

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


Today there was an interesting moment in our quarantine life. In Ukraine, more stringent rules have been introduced, which I do not quite understand! But I did not know about it yet, and we went with children to our Sunday walk near the house. Darynka was played with a neighborly little girl, and I usually do, went to the depth of the park to be alone in my outdoor gymnastics. I noticed that today somehow amazingly few people were walking, despite what was good weather.

Сьогодні відбувся цікавий момент в нашому карантинному житті. В Україні ввели більш жорсткі правила, які я не зовсім розумію! Але я про це ще не знала, і ми пішли з дітьми на нашу недільну прогулянку біля дому.
Даринка гралась з сусідською малою дівчинкою, а я пішла в глибину парку, щоб як зазвичай наодинці зробити мою гімнастику на свіжому повітрі.
Я помітила що сьогодні якось дивно мало людей надворі, не дивлячись на те, що була гарна погода і квітуча весна.


And, when I walked alone in the park, two policemen came to me in the masks!
You cannot be here! - they said. How, why? - I asked. I am one and there are no other people! Do you want me to walk in a mask here? No. It turns out I can't walk in the park now. It is forbidden to walk in the park. And if they meet me tomorrow, I will pay a fine of 17,000 UAH. Therefore, such rules should be in force in Ukraine on April 6. But I disagree. If these rules are to protect me and my children from Covid-19, then they must be reasonable, not meaningless.

І ось, коли я гуляла наодинці в парку, до мене підійшли двоє поліцейських в масках!
Вам не можна тут знаходитись! - сказали вони. Як, чому? - я запитала. Адже я одна і поряд немає інших людей! Ви хочете, щоб я гуляла тут в масці? Ні. Виявляється я тепер не можу гуляти в парку. Заборонено гуляти в парку. І якщо мене тут зустрінуть завтра, я буду платити штраф в розмірі 17 000 грн. Отож, такі правила повинні бути з 6 квітня в Україні. Але я не погоджуюсь. Якщо ці правила мають за мету захистити мене і моїх дітей від Covid-19, то вони повинні бути розумними, а не безглуздими.


So the question is - who benefits from having people afraid and staying under house arrest? Who wants to steal our spring? After all, I am not a threat when I walk alone in the forest) But these people are just law enforcers! I wished them a good Sunday. And continued my walk. But what will happen tomorrow?

Отож виникає запитання - кому вигідно, щоб люди боялись і перебували вдома під домашнім арештом? Хто хоче вкрасти у нас весну? Адже я не є загрозою, коли я гуляю наодинці в лісі ) Але ці люди лише виконавці закону! Я побажала їм гарної неділі. І продовжила свою прогулянку. Але що буде завтра?


Thanks for great initiative #beautifulsunday our friend @ace108

Дякую за читання мого блогу.


Rules are really hard to deal with! A lot of them might not make sense. But I read today that a town in Spain that became very strict with their lockdown has zero cases of coronavirus, while it affected the rest of the country. It will be hard for a little while, but strict rules will save a lot of lives. And maybe we can get through this faster. Be safe and well, my friend!

Thank you dear! Perhaps this is the time to learn to show humility!
Have a good time!

Seems pretty harsh. Here things aren't quite that bad yet, though everyone is wearing their masks now. Vitamin D out in the sunshine should help with staying healthy especially if no one else is around.

So I thought, who needs to close people at home in order to deprive them of the sun and give rise to fear and depression ... Thank you for your thoughts.

Yes, that is strange, that it was not allowed, even alone. 😕

That is a beautiful child in the last photo, and a wonderful shot! Bravo! 😊

Thank you for your comment. There is a lot of absurdity in our country. This is my daughter! I am glad you liked.

That really sucks to have Freedoms like that limited. Hope you can find other places to walk

Thank you for attention. I walked today, and thank God all is well.

So the question is - who benefits from having people afraid and staying under house arrest?

You are right Olga, it doesn't make any sense. In Greece they forbid swimming, fishing, even diving! I believe that governments have found a perfect opportunity to test new control mechanisms and see how far they can stretch it. As far as I can remember authorities always plead a vicious enemy to justify their unpopular actions. Anyway that's my opinion.
Take care!

Yes, I agree, friend Stefanos. You always have to think - who is behind it all! The main thing is not to get sick with the "chronic fear virus"! It is easy to manage people, when they are afraid. I remember the movie Island. Did you see?

Oh, yes. Many years ago. The one with the clones right?
Fear is a bad consultant and all the mainstream media are serving it in huge doses...

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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I think they want you to do everything in the mask. 😎

А завтра буде те, що за нашою спиною, (поки ми вома), вони прийматимуть закони, які нашкодять Україні!! А нам заборонено, вийти та заявити про свою думку....Та на наші права, чесно кажучі також їм начхати!!!
Дуже сподіваюсь, що це форс-мажор, і далі все налагодиться, але ж тенденція спонукає, до зовсім інших думок!

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment