Smart Leaders Believe Only Half Of What They Hear. Discerning Leaders Know Which Half To Believe

in GEMSlast year


Good morning beautiful people. There's a saying by John C. Maxwell that "Smart Leaders Believe Only Half Of What They Hear. Discerning Leaders Know Which Half To Believe."

In many cases we hear different stories from different angles for example celebrity stories carried by bloggers. So many bloggers give their stories and illustrations in different ways, not all of them say it the same way it is. Some will add to the story and some will remove from it.

It now depends on one to know which part to believe. Even the bible says we should test everything that is said and hold on to what is good. So as wise people, we should not only believe half of what we hear according to the quote but also sieve what we hear and take to heart.

Thanks for reading...
I remain @Oredebby