in GEMS3 years ago

It worked, and it was worth it!!!

Well, I happened to be at the lake earlier working on a project and I noticed that the carp were actively spawning across the lake the whole time that we were there. I had to finish the project, but it gave me an idea. I wanted to get home, get some kayaks, and see if I could shoot any.

Pinkie-Pepper came with me, and we had a wonderful time. We even got it on video. These photos represent the end result of our efforts, which was eight carp harvested. Not only did I shoot my BIGGEST carp ever, but Pinkie-Pepper even shot her first carp. What wonderful memories, and delicious meals to come!!! Enjoy the photos!


Until next time…

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Looks like a fun time was had by all, with the obvious exception of the carp. ;-)

Funny thing, my husband and his daughter, now 31, have a longstanding tradition that carp don't actually exist, which leads me, science geek that I am, to conclude that if carp don't actually exist, that all dark matter in space is actually carp.

In any case, they are both seriously into fishing, and Marek is pining to fish on our river, which we should have done LONG before now, since we've lived here since 2011 - damned near ten years.

So the next time he's home for any length of time, we'll make a point of fishing on our river, which forms the eastern border of our property, and who knows?

Most of his gear is still for saltwater fishing, from when we lived in southwest Florida, but I used to be seriously into archery in high school, so bowfishing isn't out of the question. Wish us luck.

Omgosh look at the size of those fish!!! Awesome pics and shared experience.

Looks like you shoot much more than you can eat? Just asking .....

He and his lovely wife have . . . five kids, if I remember correctly?
AND he gardens, and fish wastes are FABULOUS for the garden.
NONE of those fish will go to waste. ;-)

Plus, and I can't believe I didn't put this first, smoked fish make the most AMAZING fish dip on the planet, and smoked carp make GREAT fish dip. Food of the Gods.

One of the things I miss the most about living in Pinellas County, Florida, was Ted Peters Smoked Fish, a local landmark, and we bought a LOT of smoked fish from them over the years, everything from grunts and mullet to mahi mahi and grouper, and ALL of it was outstanding.

They've been around for decades, and they REALLY know how to smoke each species of fish to perfection. If you're ever in Pinellas County, check them out, and you WON'T be sorry. I promise.

We like to can a year's supply in the spring when they are easiest to shoot Good question. Many people only shoot them, and do not eat them at all. THey just throw them on the shore and leave.