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RE: How do you justify your existence?

in GEMS4 years ago

If more of us would get out and stand against this tyrant system we would outnumber them and stop this agenda once and for all.

I have sensed a war coming for years. This latest grab at power left no doubt that they are in the last stage and are testing the battlefield. The problem is the battle will be in our homes and neighborhoods, as they use their pawns who are our family and neighbors as their foot soldiers.

They've prepared well for this, building bunkers and buying islands. Shoring up spy tech everywhere we turn under the guise of fighting terrorism or so called smart tech that records in most every corner. It seems to me that once they put in their final solution that if the people are successful in not succumbing 100%, most everything as we know it will be burnt down around us. That's been their main control mechanism to keep the masses in line. Harsh winds are upon us.


I hope they won't succeed. I've been reading for years about the bunkers, in all sort of places all over the world. It's the stupidity of the world though that makes easier to put such plans on a roll. I'm amazed how serious are people about this virus and how triggered they are against each other.