How do you justify your existence?

in GEMS4 years ago

Quite often we talk and praise the self made millionaires, the makers and takers that started from the gutter and ended up on Hollywood Boulevard, on the pages of Forbes Magazine, and on TV telling their emotional stories, and quite often make their audience tear by doing that. Hat down for such persons but, how often do we hear of the self made homeless and the poor ones, that once were good members of the community, and now are just society's trash.

Not too often, because there's no motivation to be ignited from such characters, and they don't affect emotionally the audience. They're white noise for the society, and quite often the society doesn't give a damn about such people. It spends millions and billions on military equipment, police force and armed forces but, no one cares that much about a soul walking the streets bear foot with an empty stomach.

Reasons and catalysts on why a person might end up on the streets are almost endless, and some should not be pitted for their situation but, I have the soul of a mother, as one of our great Romanian actors was saying in a famous movie, and I fall for their stories. Not all of them, because not all that beg are to be given any money or help of any kind, some of them being pros, and members of organized crime groups.

There is an old man in my town though, that I know for a couple of years and give money to, once in a while, and he pretty much ended having no house at all lately. He's not homeless but not far from becoming one either. He's done it all by himself to be honest. He was once a good technician, he had a wife, two kids, and a big home. He sold that big house at one point and moved to a two bedrooms apartment, and he even won tens of thousand of dollars at the casino....


...and soon after that, he divorced and got to live in a flat, having lost all of his money on booze, broads, and more gambling. Now he lost that flat as well, and lives outside the town in a small hut, at the mercy of the hut's owners. He's done it by himself, no argue but, doesn't he have the right to live as well? Of course he does, and I would be lying if I would say someone is trying to steal him that right. But would George Bernard Show agree with me?

I watched yesterday a 40 minutes video on Bill Gates, entitled Who is Bill Gates, and at some point the Eugenics were mentioned, and their ideologies for superior and inferior genes that make one a superior man and the other a mere beast that should serve the superior one, be enslaved and thrown to ashes once no longer serving. At least that was what George Bernard Shaw left to be understood from one of his interviews, featured in the video.

He was basically saying that a man's right to live on this planet should rely on his answers for the question: how do you justify your existence? Digest that, dear reader and justify your existence to the great novelist... I won't do that, and I consider such logic and life philosophy as the result of a sick mind, a poisoned one pretending to play the role of God, and decide what should and should not live on this planet.


I'm sure that Shaw's logic hasn't had the chance to decide anyone's existence on earth but, he might have inspired some with his wisdom, and I'm thinking right now at the Rockefellers and Gates, Rotshcilds, and all the rich families that are controlling this planet almost entirely, and wish to make our society become a world wide prison. How would they do that, one could ask?

Well, the answer comes from our greatest philanthropist, virologist, economy expert and tech genius, mister Bill Gates, that was lobbying for years what he calls reproductive health, his diabolical vaccines filled with who knows what chemicals and nano particles, a cashless society, and ultimately microchips in every human's hand just to fight against terrorism and COVID-19.

Reproductive health, the way I see it is birth control, and enforcing some authority to decide whoever deserves to have children or not, vaccines will for sure help reducing the population rather than protect anyone against any possible disease, the extinction of cash will put all the control on one's finance in the hands of one entity that would decide how, from where and how much one would earn and spend his money, and the RFID chip will just tag us like animals, tracing each individual anywhere in the world, at any time, gaining control over his freedom and privacy, and would probably even be able to control his/her emotions.


Hence, how much do you think it will pass until some new George Bernard Shaw will interview each and one of us and decide whether we deserve to live or not, and at what costs. I don't know the answer to such a potential question but, I imagine that once all of the above diabolical means of enslaving the population will become a reality, there will be no turning back. At that point we will either accept that condition, or end up like that old man that I was writing about in the introduction.

That's why I consider that we should become more vocal about our human rights that are being violate through this pandemic, that we should shout out being aware of the agenda that is being played, that we should protest against racist behavior and inhuman acts that are being carried against us. Forcing a whole planet to not leave their homes, and countries, making them social distance and use excessive force to have that a reality, fining them for not wearing masks and beating them for protesting, all for a motherfucking virus that is less deadly than a damn seasonal flu is outrageous.

Are they?...

All this happens because we allow it to happen. If more of us would get out and stand against this tyrant system we would outnumber them and stop this agenda once and for all. If we don't do that it might be too late. At least online we should be vocal, and wherever we see such abusive behavior. Otherwise we will gradually be absorbed by this draconian master plan, that once enforced globally, the only way of staying free would be an exist from this system but, that means we would end up like the poor old man that lost everything and lives in a hut.

Not willing to accept their paying and finance systems, their health measures and their population controlling chip, would be impossible to further live in this society, and too late to make anything to change it. That's why is highly important to stand against this tyrant system and its draconian laws, and pandemic measures, until isn't too late. Nothing happens over night, and neither our liberties are stolen from a day to another, and that's why we should be careful and act towards protecting such liberties... Now, I'll end this post with one of my favorite Benjamin Franklin quotes on the topic and leave you ponder a bit on the world's situation that we are currently facing.

"Any society that will give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."

Images courtesy of unspalsh and free to use

Thanks for attention,


If more of us would get out and stand against this tyrant system we would outnumber them and stop this agenda once and for all.

I have sensed a war coming for years. This latest grab at power left no doubt that they are in the last stage and are testing the battlefield. The problem is the battle will be in our homes and neighborhoods, as they use their pawns who are our family and neighbors as their foot soldiers.

They've prepared well for this, building bunkers and buying islands. Shoring up spy tech everywhere we turn under the guise of fighting terrorism or so called smart tech that records in most every corner. It seems to me that once they put in their final solution that if the people are successful in not succumbing 100%, most everything as we know it will be burnt down around us. That's been their main control mechanism to keep the masses in line. Harsh winds are upon us.

I hope they won't succeed. I've been reading for years about the bunkers, in all sort of places all over the world. It's the stupidity of the world though that makes easier to put such plans on a roll. I'm amazed how serious are people about this virus and how triggered they are against each other.

I think a man can win if he manages to lose everything but himself. I think there would be people prepared to live in a hut rather than giving away their freedom.
To justify one's existence in front of another mere existence (we are all people and we are all going to die, Shaw or not Shaw) is ironic. There is no universal all mighty authority with a Bible of "justifiable reasons to live", ready to cast wrath among the ones who do not check the list. A flaw in the humans is the wish to control beyond the fine line of personal freedom. And as advanced and intellectual you might be, the desire to control is primitive.

I doubt they're far from being primitive, otherwise they wouldn't be that power sick.

We are having bicycle protests here in Slovenia. More and more people every week. Sooner or later we will reach the critical mass.

It's a pitty we don't have these in Romania.

You did it once in a grandiose way. You can do it again.

When did we had that?

Ceaușescu? :)

If you're referring to the '89 revolution that wasn't ours. We were mere puppets. The true organizers were the Russians and other external powers that didn't want Romania to becomes fully independent and continue without any international debt. However, if there will ever be such an event, or if Romanians will start to protest, like you guys, they won't do it too peacefully. We're like dogs that accept the chain for a while but when we brake we're on beast mode. I'd prefer we would be more balanced rather than going into extremes.

Thanks for the explanation.